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Response from TFF President İbrahim Hacıosmanoğlu to the criticism of the referee – Sözcü Newspaper

A sponsorship agreement was signed between the Turkish Football Federation (TFF) and Nesine. The preliminary meeting of the agreement regarding the official financial support of the Super League and sponsorship of the announcement of the 2nd League and the 3rd League was held at the TFF Hasan Doğan National Teams Camp and Training Facilities.

In addition to TFF President İbrahim Hacıosmanoğlu, Club Union Foundation President Ali Koç, Nesine General Manager Halit Gülbakanoğlu, 2nd League Clubs Association President Hakan Bolat and Rafet Orhan, 3rd League Clubs Association Representative, attended his meeting.

Making the opening speech of the meeting, Hacıosmanoğlu said that they are working to increase the value of the Turkish football brand and said, “The more you increase the value of this brand, the more income it will bring.” you get from your sponsors. I thank Nesine.com. We all work together it took the sport out of its own spirit and into different channels because of the unfortunate management mistakes we experienced. ” he said.

“Moral success is more important than everything”

Insisting that they share the same opinion on this matter with Koç, Club Association President Hacıosmanoğlu said, “Moral success is more important than anything else. A team becomes the hero, but you cannot increase the value of a brand in an environment where there are others. The teams are considered unsuccessful. We compete on the field Our brand value will increase and our sponsors provide better services to Turkish football. he said.

Insisting that their biggest goal is to prevent illegal broadcasting, Hacıosmanoğlu said, “We have a hard job. We may not be able to reduce it to zero, but we will try to bring it to that level. Our goal is to prevent it altogether. We have a lot of work to do on this issue. Our only goal is to eliminate illegal broadcasting,” he said.

“We will change the system from father to son”

Explaining that they are doing a lot of work on refereeing, Hacıosmanoğlu continued as follows:

We need time. We have young brothers. We are in contact with MHK regarding this matter. We train referees who have character and don’t have a fox behind their head as quickly as possible. There will be a small break during this time. Our goal is to minimize errors. We have a hard job on this issue. We will raise our young brothers to be moral. We have courageous brothers who follow the rules regardless of their color when they go on the field. If you stand behind the referees in a confident manner, they will represent you on the field in that way. Let’s see better days and referees together. We will make a big change to this father-to-son refereeing system. We will remove our clubs from complaining about this matter. We will strive to achieve sporting success on the field.


Ali Koç, President of the Club Union Foundation, confirmed that they are working to increase the income of the clubs.

Insisting that they held a meeting as the Association of Clubs, Koç said:

“One of the topics we talked about was the economic situation of football and we gathered to discuss how we can have a healthier economy with a 5-year road map. We need to increase the revenue side and reduce the cost side. When we look at what Turkish football has experienced economically in the last 5 years, none of what has happened is under the control of the clubs, you can say it is wrong, movement unnecessary but today, the decrease in broadcast income from 500 million dollars to 96 million dollars, an increase in taxes from 15 to 40 percent, the situation of foreign currency and interest rates and the pandemic has become an unstable economy. At this stage, sponsors are very important in the league itself and in UEFA, the economic situation must be strong. As the value of the brand increases, so will the numbers.

2024-09-27 10:18:31
#Response #TFF #President #İbrahim #Hacıosmanoğlu #criticism #referee #Sözcü #Newspaper

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