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Responds to strip plays: – A disgusting sight

– Jackets on, jackets off? Should we take off our clothes, Boris Johnson asked before all the top leaders were to take an unofficial photo in connection with the G7 meeting in the Austrian Alps.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded that “a bare-knuckle ride on horseback” would be necessary to make it happen, a reference to Putin’s well-directed photo sessions from previous years in which he has been depicted riding a horse, bare-chested.

See the situation at the top of the case.

HORSE: Vladimir Putin on his relatively tall horse back in 2009. Photo: REUTERS / RIA Novosti / Pool / Alexei Druzhinin / File Photo
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ER: President pictured in the Siberian forests in 2009. Photo: AFP PHOTO / RIA-NOVOSTI / ALEXEY DRUZHININ

ER: President pictured in the Siberian forests in 2009. Photo: AFP PHOTO / RIA-NOVOSTI / ALEXEY DRUZHININ
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“BEST”: The Russian president on a swim after a ride on horseback. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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Putin answers

According to several media outlets, including Independent, the Russian president has now come up with an answer to the proposals from Johnson and Trudeau. It happened in connection with a visit to Turkmenistan on Wednesday.

– I do not know how they planned to strip, above or below the waist. “I think it would have been a disgusting sight anyway,” Putin told a news conference during the visit.

He followed up by giving advice to the G7 leaders:

“They should exercise and drink less in order to achieve harmony between body and soul,” he said, according to the Russian news agency Tass.


Putin has for a number of years willingly posed away in the wilderness – along with endangered speciesr, on a fishing trip in shirtlessand half smiling, sitting in trees.

Although a spokesman for the president has previously admitted that at least one of the stunts was planned, Putin went so far as to say that several said the photos were not taken “naturally”, according to the news agency Reuters.

The posing pictures were even a little long, he admitted several years ago.

Putin has been very concerned with cultivating a macho image of himself, also in that through his biography “Ot Pervogo Litsa” he has said that he has always been a mischievous boy who practiced martial arts and used violence as a child.

– Of course, the stunts are exaggerations. And I’m furious because of that, he told the acclaimed journalist, editor and author Masha Gessenwhich he invited to a meeting in the Kremlin after she was fired from her job at the magazine Vokrug Sveta.

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