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Resolutions of the DFL General Assembly 07/14/21 | DFL German Football League

July 14th, 2021 – The clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 are planning the return of visiting fans to the stadiums from the third matchday of the coming 2021/22 season. The general assembly of the DFL German Football League passed a corresponding resolution on Wednesday. As long as the audience capacity is still subject to legal restrictions, five percent of the tickets per game should be reserved for guest fans. If the restrictions are completely removed, the system automatically reverts to the ten percent originally intended.

Only for the first home game of the season does this rule not yet apply, in order to enable the respective club to obtain empirical values ​​when fans return to the stadiums at the start of the season. In the past season there were largely encounters without spectators; the clubs had waived the approval of guest fans against the background of the corona pandemic and on the basis of a joint decision.

Basically, it is the responsibility of the clubs to develop site-specific protection and hygiene concepts in order to host games as large-scale events with spectators. These individual concepts of the clubs are coordinated with the responsible local health authorities and approved by them. Each club decides independently on the content of its concept after consultation with the local authorities. Even if the respective corona protection ordinances of the federal states after the most recent resolution of the heads of the state and senate chancelleries of July 6, 2021 provide largely uniform regulations with a validity until September 11, 2021, the club-specific concepts take into account the respective location-specific conditions . These include, among other things, the respective stadium infrastructure and different arrival / departure routes everywhere, as well as the current official dispositions. In this respect, there cannot be a central nationwide concept for the return of fans to the stadiums.

Five substitutions are still allowed in both leagues

With a view to match operations in the coming season, the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 clubs also dealt with the substitution contingent during the meeting in Frankfurt am Main. In both leagues, as before, five player changes per match will be allowed. In the 2021/22 season, a total of three opportunities per team as well as the half-time break will be available for this. The International Football Association Board (IFAB), which is responsible for the rules, had previously also given the opportunity to adjust the change quota for the 2021/22 season.

Another topic in the context of the extraordinary DFL general meeting was the medical and hygienic occupational safety concept of the DFL and DFB for the 2021/22 season. Last week, the DFL sent the clubs a draft of the concept, which was drawn up again by the “Task Force Sports Medicine / Special Game Operations” and which deals with occupational health and safety for professionals involved in the implementation of the game operations and media support, as well as on dfl .de published. It is planned that the final version will be anchored in the statutes as an annex to the game rules in the coming days by a resolution of the DFL Presidium.

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