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Resolution obliges public employees to be vaccinated

The Ministry of Public Administration ordered that the servers The State must present a copy of their vaccination card with at least three doses against COVID-19 in order to enter their jobs.

Through Circular No. 0036969, dated December 29, indicates that the measure is effective upon 31 January 2022, when, in addition, they must deposit a copy of the document in the Department of Human Resources of the institution to which they belong.

He emphasizes that if they have not received at least all three doses, the servers The public must submit to HR every Monday, first thing in the morning, on a recurring basis and before taking up their work position, a copy of the negative result of a PCR test carried out on the previous Saturday or Sunday. This provision will no longer be applicable. 14 days after the empelado receive your third dose.

It may interest you: Politicians and religious react to the obligation of the third dose of the vaccine against COVID-19

In the event that for medical reasons the employee cannot receive the puncture, they must present a special permit issued by the Ministry of Public Health.

Likewise, the use of face mask, frequent hand washing and respect for physical distancing.

In the visitor reception and customer service spaces, the institutions may only receive people up to 75% of their total capacity.

“To the servers Public who refuse to respect the provision and protocols established by the resolutions and circulars in force, will be subject to the application of the corresponding sanctions according to the gradation of the offenses established in the disciplinary regime, provided for in article 81 and following of Law 41 -08 of Public Function ”, the entity warns in a document that was published on its official website.

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