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Resisdent Evil 8 would be released next year, and would be in first person view

It’s time for the rumor machine! And this time, we’re moving towards the series resident Evil, whose next album could be released in 2021, and become part of the main saga. We know that thanks to a certain AestheticGamer, or Duk golem, which has revealed internal information about Capcom games in the past.

According to him, this game would have been initially planned like the eighth opus before being renamed Resident Evil Revelation 3 – as a reminder, this other saga serves as a spin-off for the main timeline, with very good but less ambitious games. It would seem, however, that the development has been fairly impressive for the publisher, so much so that he would have reclassified it again Resident Evil 8 ; not bad, for developers!

Still according to the leak, it seems that “Hallucinations, occultism and being unable to trust anyone are important themes of the game“. So we’re moving towards something quite psychedelic and, frankly, it makes you want!

With the recent cancellation of E3, it is unclear how Capcom will announce its upcoming projects; it is nevertheless important to remember that the publisher has announced many of its games in partnership with Sony, as the remake of Resident Evil 3, and that a separate event later in the year is all possible. Same story for the eventual Netflix series, and other little surprises that Capcom might have under the hood.

We cross our fingers so that the next months are rich in announcements that will hopefully make 2021 an excellent vintage for resident Evil

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