Home » today » World » Resignation of the new social minister Ivanka Shalapatova – 2024-09-11 23:33:01

Resignation of the new social minister Ivanka Shalapatova – 2024-09-11 23:33:01

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of the Initiative Committee to hold a referendum on banning education, upbringing and propaganda related to gender reassignment and concepts of gender other than male and female to children and students in the educational system of Bulgaria

Address: Sofia, Vitosha Blvd., No. 18, 4th floor

We appeal to the whole society, to the political and public organizations, to the citizens of our country on a very worrying issue.

A heavy shadow of mistrust fell on the composition of the new regular government because of unprincipled agreements, political clientelism, doubts about the economic and political dependence of the cabinet as a whole and of individual ministers, conflict of interests.

Public relations in the country have been deeply degraded by the political crisis that has been going on for several years. State institutions are highly destabilized, deprived of public trust.

Against this background, the inclusion in the executive power, and at the highest level, of persons with insignificant administrative experience, known in society for their bias and ties to non-governmental organizations, with data on dependence on foreign sources of funding, liquidates the little remaining public trust, without which no government can claim to serve the main interests of Bulgarian society. There is a strong contradiction between the public interest and the goals of the government.

One of the most emblematic examples in this regard is the election of Ivanka Shalapatova, executive director of the “For Our Children” foundation, as Minister of Labor and Social Policy. This appointment justified the long-standing claims of a number of public figures and public organizations about a personal union between gender circles and state power. The fusion of the state with foreign-dependent NGOs was proven in practice.

The For Our Children Foundation is a member of the National Network for Children, a well-known pro-gender public organization. Over the years, it has received huge funding from foreign financial sources. According to media information published on social networks, in just 5 years, between 2011 and 2016 the foundation of Mrs. Ivanka Shalapatova received BGN 22 million. It is about substantial financial assistance for a non-governmental organization in a country that has been in a permanent economic and financial crisis for three decades.

Ivanka Shalapatova has a master’s degree in Bulgarian and English philology from Plovdiv University “Paisiy Hilendarski” (1998), Ph.D. from SSU “N. Rila”. She is the interim Executive Director of the For Our Children Foundation, successor to the British charity Every Child. Great Britain’. An abstract of her PhD thesis states that she has worked on social and integrated services project management, strategic management and funding, communication and social responsibility, professional networking, project and staff management, policy and advocacy. In 2013, she was appointed for several months to an inappropriately high position for her experience and seniority – Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in the interim government with Prime Minister Marin Raykov. She has undergone short-term training in Great Britain, Hungary, Germany in the field of leadership, strategic and organizational management and early childhood development. According to a number of media publications, Shalapatova is a known proponent and supporter of the gender community and LGBTI liberal values.

The appointment of Mrs. Ivanka Shalapatova is inadmissible in two respects: lack of sufficient administrative experience in the state administration and conflict of interest with the sphere she will lead. Mrs. Shalapatova is significantly inferior in terms of administrative experience to her two last predecessors in the position of Minister of Labor and Social Policy. Secondly, there is an obvious conflict of interest between the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and the Executive Director of the NGO, a private provider of social services licensed by the Agency for the Quality of Social Services, which is subordinate to the Ministry of the new Minister. There is still (as of 06.06.2023, as well as today 06.07.2023) on the official website of the foundation (Detebg.org) a photo of Ivanka Shalapatova as Executive Director. Regardless of the fact that the formal legal requirements will be met and, according to media information, Ms. Shalapatova’s post will be taken over by Mariana Taseva, currently the Deputy Executive Director, these circumstances are the basis of our doubts about the impartial performance of the duties of the newly elected Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria.

It is doubtful that Ms. Shalapatova will not favor her former colleagues from the non-governmental sector in the field of social services. It can be easily assumed that Minister Shalapatova’s policy will directly or indirectly benefit Mrs. Shalapatova’s foundation related to the provision of social services.

The Minister of Labor and Social Policy directly directs and implements policy related to social services, in which her previous foundation also works. From the moment of her appointment, Minister Shalapatova will be responsible for the activities of the foundation, which she has led for more than a decade. Is it any wonder then why bills are introduced in the National Assembly that increase the role of non-governmental organizations in the field of social services.

Therefore, in order to avoid this obvious conflict of interest, we demand the resignation of Mrs. Shalapatova from the post of Minister of Labor and Social Policy.

Sofia, 07.06.2923

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