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Residents whose Home are Stopped by Neighbors for Chicken Manure Winning in the Courts Page all

KOMPAS.com – For three years, Wisnu Widodo, a resident of Gandukild Village, Sukorejo District, Ponorogo Regency, East Java, was forced to jump over a one meter high wall to get in and out of his house.

The neighbor’s wall was built with the initials M because M was annoyed often stepping on chicken manure when passing through the road in front of Vishnu’s house.

“She and her husband passed by sometimes mlecoki plot (stepping on chicken shit) that triggers a problem. Finally, the fence, “said the Village Chief of Ganduk once Suroso when contacted, Friday (24/7/2020).

Also read: Because of Chicken Shit, Neighbors Build a 1-Meter Wall in Front of Wisnu’s House

The village government has several times mediated between the two parties to resolve the issue.

Because the wall fence was built on land owned by the village. The land cannot be claimed as ownership.

The village also suggested that M give a road in front of Vishnu’s house, but the suggestion was rejected because M insisted the land was his

Also read: Sad, Two Neighbors Bicker Because Chicken Shit Ends on the Green Table, Here’s the Story

The problem was then brought to the green table.

The court won Vishnu because he was harmed by the construction of a wall fence.

Suroso has given a letter from the court to M, but still no action.

“When I gave the court letter, I heard I wanted to appeal the M,” he said.

Contacted separately, Wisnu said, the wall fence made it difficult for him to enter and leave the house.

He was forced to use a wooden chair as a foothold to jump over the wall.

Actually there is an alternative access that Vishnu can pass without having to jump over the wall.

However, the alternative pathway which is the alley beside his house is only as wide as an adult’s body.

“Yes, it’s hard if you want to enter the house,” he said. (Contributor Magetan, Sukoco | Editor Dheri Agriesta)

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