Yesterday, residents of Lalín showed their displeasure at the saturation of the bus lines that, coming from Lugo, stop at the station in the capital Dezana to pick up passengers and continue to their destination, in Vigo. Pilar Granja Fondevila is the mother of one of the at least four students who intended to get on the bus at 4:00 p.m., but who had to stay on the ground because there were no places available.
Firstly they tried to contact Monbús, but given the impossibility of establishing a telephone connection with the company, they went to the station’s information point. They claim that they were told that there was no backup vehicle and that therefore they had to wait for the connection at 8:15 p.m., when, apparently, there are two buses that stop in the town. Those affected regret the inconvenience caused by waiting four hours and understand that the company could reinforce the line or provide them with a taxi for their trip.
2023-09-18 05:34:37
#Users #bus #connection #Lalín #Vigo #criticize #saturation #line