apartment complexwhere two have happenedcriminal incidents in thewithin 24 hours, somethingthat has many concernedand as presented to usduring a live broadcast.carolina: fear in somepeople it is palpable to be theWednesday agents attendeda call from aman who told the woman whatI had pointed and I know datashe received, the woman hadak47 and multiple firearms.so the team wasnegotiated with the woman whohad entrenched in aapartment with several children.at 1:08 in the morning everything isresolved, no one was hurt andAfrican American womanbetween or.now faces charges ofaggravated assault with a weapon,but only a fewhours in the afternoon…[hablar en ingés]>> spokesperson reported that thehomicide so far this yearwas registered in the sameplace and in this case alay person to 911 parareport hearing shots at10:43 p.m. and whenthe agents arrivedthey located a personbullet who died in thescene, it was a man20 year old African Americanyoung man was arrested inrelation to the case, but hisidentity has not been revealedalthough he already faces charges ofmurder and the situation formany is frustrating.>> that the new one doesn’t do anything,but the kids are outsideplaying.>> taking into account howcomplex main officeto find some kind ofresponse from theadministration and by postThey only limited themselves to telling me thatit’s still an investigationactive police and thereforewe cannot comment on itmatter and we are lookingresponse from themayor, the association ofpolice officers and head of departmentto know what to saybefore these crimes that occursince many feelinsecure.for the moment only methey responded by saying “nowe have no reason tobelieve that none isrelated at this time,revises and investigates the background,our objective isprovide a safe environmentto the community”.It should be noted that from 1from January to today in the areadonde esá ubicado estevarious robberies.about three assault incidentsand two of cases of violencefamily or couple homeworkin addition to the two cymensaforementioned.both investigation signsand the public is urged toif you have any cluescan help with the