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Residents Evacuated After Fire Alarm Goes off Due to Alleged Torch Incident in Low-Rise Block

All the residents of a three-storey low-rise block were evacuated last night. The fire alarm went off after two of the residents in the block allegedly lit a torch.

It was a dramatic night for the residents of this block. Photo: BT tips Published: Published:

Less than 20 minutes ago

– I suddenly woke up to the power going out. After a while I heard the fire alarm in the hallway. There was smoke in the whole block, one of the residents told BT.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, received medical attention after inhaling a lot of smoke.

He is still coughing quite a bit when BT speaks to him at 8am on Monday morning.

– They checked me and said everything looked fine. If it gets serious, I was told to call the emergency room, he says.

Dramatic night

He tells of a dramatic night in the low-rise block in Elvenesvegen in Nesttun.

– When I went out into the hall I saw all the smoke. I woke up my wife and children. Then we started knocking on the neighbours’ doors. Fortunately, everyone got out, he says.

It was at 03.30 last night that the fire alarm went off.

27 people spread over nine apartments got out in a hurry after the stairwell in the block was filled with smoke.

– Homemade torch

All the smoke arose after two residents allegedly lit some kind of torch because the power went out.

– They made a homemade torch and went out into the hall to check the fuse box. The torch produced heavy smoke which caused the fire alarm to go off in the block. A neighbor inhaled some smoke and was checked by health on the spot. The police are opening a case, writes the West police district on Twitter/X.


Published: August 21, 2023 8:37 am

2023-08-21 06:37:00

#residents #evacuated #night #smoke #block

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