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Residents Concerned About Measles Outbreak in Blagoveshchensk Apartment Building

The editors of Amur.life were contacted by residents of one of the apartment buildings on Novaya Street, who said that for several days now doctors have been conducting door-to-door visits and informing them about the opportunity to get vaccinated against measles. People became worried that they had discovered a source of this serious infectious disease.

“Doctors from the 4th polyclinic have been visiting residents door to door for several days now. They ask about vaccinations and inform you that you can get a revaccination against measles. The neighbors in the house are, of course, concerned, since measles is transmitted by airborne droplets. Our house has one entrance with elevators and stairs. All. That is, all residents except the 2nd floor use elevators. The building has 17 floors and 224 apartments. That is, the hall and elevators are the most accessible places. We decided to install antibacterial air sprays in the lobby and elevators. No one wants to get infected so they can go on sick leave. Moreover, the disease is not easily tolerated,” residents say.

The situation was commented on by the Amur Rospotrebnadzor.

“No cases of measles have been registered among persons living at the specified address. Anti-epidemic measures were carried out at the indicated address, including immunization according to epidemic indications for persons who had contact with someone who was sick or suspected of having measles,” the Amur department of Rospotrebnadzor reported.

According to the department, in 2023, 3 cases of measles were registered in the Amur region. Since the beginning of this year, 12 laboratory-confirmed cases of measles have been registered in the region, which is due to an increase in migration flows.

As Amur.life reported, at the beginning of January of this year, two imported cases of measles were registered in Blagoveshchensk. Just a few days later, residents of a five-story building on Amurskaya Street were informed of a case of measles detected in their home. Residents were also encouraged to get vaccinated. However, it later turned out that after laboratory tests the alleged diagnosis was not confirmed.

Previously, Rospotrebnadzor explained the need for measles vaccination by the fact that Blagoveshchensk is the center of the border region. Due to its location and intensive population migration, it is considered to be at high risk for both the importation of measles and its spread. The city has quite a migrating population, children who have not been vaccinated due to parental refusals or medical exemptions, as well as adults who have not been vaccinated or have been vaccinated once.

In the Russian Federation, measles vaccination is carried out routinely in accordance with the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations. It regulates the timing of drug administration and provides for routine vaccination of the entire population. Children are vaccinated at the age of 1 year and at 6 years. If vaccination was not carried out on time or if there is no information about vaccinations against measles, then it is also carried out for adults in 2 stages with a difference of 3 months.

Vaccination against measles is indicated for adults under 35 years of age (inclusive), who have not been sick, have not been vaccinated, have been vaccinated once, and have no information about vaccinations against measles. In addition, adults from 36 to 55 years of age (inclusive), belonging to risk groups (employees of medical and educational organizations, trade organizations, transport, public utilities and social services), who have not been sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once, should be vaccinated against measles. who have information about vaccinations against measles.

After a two-time administration of the vaccine, as well as after suffering from measles, in 95% of cases, stable long-term immunity to this infection is formed.

Immunization according to epidemic indications is carried out to persons who have had contact with a person with measles (if the disease is suspected), have not had measles before, are unvaccinated, have been vaccinated once – without age restrictions. In accordance with sanitary rules, if a disease is detected, epidemiologists must examine the source of infection within 24 hours, determine its boundaries and the circle of people who interacted with the patient, and prescribe all necessary anti-epidemic measures.

Previously, Amur.life, with reference to the Amur Rospotrebnadzor, reported that the last time cases of measles were recorded in the Amur region were in 2019 and 2020. Then 1 and 3 cases were registered respectively.

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2024-02-22 07:55:16

#Blagoveshchensk #doctors #inform #residents #houses #measles #vaccinations

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