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Resident of Kiev region received 15 years for violence against 11-year-old girl

Фото: Facebook/kyiv.gp.gov.ua

The crime happened in March 2018

The crime took place three years ago. A man lay in wait for a child in the entrance of a high-rise building and “satisfied his sexual desire in an unnatural way.”

In Kiev, a court sentenced a resident of the region for committing sexual violence against a minor girl. The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison. About it informs press service of the Kiev city prosecutor’s office.

“According to the materials of the investigation, in March 2018, a man trapped an 11-year-old girl next to the elevator at the entrance of a high-rise building. Taking advantage of the absence of unauthorized persons, the attacker grabbed the girl and committed sexual acts against her, satisfying his sexual desire in an unnatural way,” message.

The man’s actions are qualified under Part 3 of Art. 153 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, that is, forcible satisfaction of sexual desire in an unnatural way, committed against a minor.

The Desnyanskiy District Court of Kiev found the suspect guilty of the alleged crime and sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

The attacker is in custody.

As previously reported, in the Vinnytsia region a criminal raped a 14-year-old girl… Under the pretext of taking the girl home in a thunderstorm, the attacker brought her to his country house. The suspect is a 33-year-old man with multiple convictions for violent and property crimes.

We add, a resident of the Dnipropetrovsk region accused of raping their own children… Since 2016, teenagers 12, 14 and 17 years old have been sexually abused by their fathers, the applicant claims.

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