Capcom has released Resident Evil Village for the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and the iPad with Apple’s M1 and M2 chips. It was previously demonstrated that the A17 Pro in the iPhone 15 Pro Max is capable of running the game decently, but not at maximum graphics settings. However, the M2 iPad Pro, with its large amount of RAM and powerful chipset, can handle high graphics demands without any problems. The proof of this is that this tablet provides a smooth gaming experience at maximum graphics settings.
SJV published a 2-minute video and a screenshot of Resident Evil Village graphics settings on the M2 iPad Pro, demonstrating the high performance of the device. It is also worth noting that the Capcom RE Engine game engine is considered one of the most optimized on the market. Even budget graphics cards are capable of running games like this release and Resident Evil 4 at medium to high settings.
However, these games require a lot of VRAM, and unless you have a graphics card with at least 8GB of VRAM, you won’t be able to set the graphics to maximum. Luckily, the M2 iPad Pro we tested used a tablet with 16GB of total RAM, of which all 16GB can be used as graphics memory.
At maximum settings and at a resolution of 2732 x 2048, Resident Evil Village consumes about 12 GB of VRAM. However, even at this resolution and at maximum settings, SJV notes smooth gameplay, albeit without an FPS counter on the M2 iPad Pro. This is truly impressive considering the game was developed for PC and next-gen consoles.
It will be interesting to see how Resident Evil 4, already available on the Apple App Store, performs on this version of the M2 iPad Pro. Considering that the remake was created on the same RE Engine as Resident Evil Village.