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Resetting the political system – PublicoGT

Miguel Angel Sandoval

On August 8, barely 12 days before the second round of elections, the CC, in another of its interventions for oblivion or to request its dissolution, denied the protection to Semilla and in this way, it is feasible that after August 20, that party is prosecuted in order to suspend or cancel it. For all purposes it is the same. The only thing that is pending are the times when this may occur. This is part of what is already understood in political and analyst circles as the acceptance of the defeat of the UNE and the country’s elites that make up the corrupt pact.

In other words, we are witnessing the death throes of the corrupt pact that seeks by all means to ensure that Semilla’s electoral victory, which they already take for granted, does not allow for a peaceful transition, except for the position of the new president within a framework of acceptable governance. All the cannons are directed towards the situation that should occur around the cancellation of the Arévalo party. In short, accept that they were defeated, but without laying down their arms. That they were truly submerged by a barrage of fed up votes, from the convinced Arevalistas and from all of us who in this country have a democratic creed.

The bet is simple and is seen from afar. It is intended that on January 14, Semilla will not be legally constituted as a political party and thus prevent it from having a bench of deputies in Congress with all the rights that a party with a bench possesses. That is, offices, assistants, commissions, in short, a bench. Added to this is not having a bill, probably not being able to name officials, even if they are from their own political project, and they could not in any case form part of the board of directors.

There would be much more to say in this scenario, that the corrupt pact caresses as the consolation prize for the defeat suffered, both in the first round and in the second with the ballotage. But they forget a small detail. As of August 20, Semilla will have its president in the presidency, that is, Bernardo Arévalo. And this is qualitative, it is not about another space, but about the presidency of the republic in a deeply presidential country.

As for losing the card, I don’t think it’s seen as a drama, although it is as one more difficulty to overcome, but it is something that, with current experience, with the citizen networks that have appeared in the country with identification with the Semilla and Arévalo’s project, since it would be quite easy to form a party, not only with 25,000 affiliates like now, but some 100,000 affiliates can be affiliated in a few weeks. It would be a bigger party, more seasoned and more committed to the current commitment to refound the political system.

Now, as the “scandal” of Semilla are some firms that should have been resolved through administrative channels, without putting on an unnecessary show, perhaps it is necessary that after the process against Semilla, without the possibility of a real defense, it can be demand that the political party system be reset, and that all parties pass a magnifying glass examination, as now a seed, and be established in accordance with the law, whether or not they meet the requirements to be a political party, with ideology, program, statutes, training institutes, to be advocating directing the country and the rules of Creole politics. It is to comply with the premise of “all equal before the law” or as the saying goes, “all colluded or all rabones”.

Many years ago, a leftist party in a European country was canceled for spurious reasons like the current ones in our country and because of worn-out institutions like the ones we have today, and in response to this, the leadership in a demonstration led the march with a banner that said, words more words less, “we lost a game, but we have a world to win.” Something similar seems to be incubating in Guatemala and it will quite surely have a second milestone on 20A, since the first was given by Guatemalan society at the polls on 25J.

But this initial reflection demands its deepening. If, as we see, in the face of defeat, the idea of ​​the corrupt is to force and twist the law, to present illegalities as correct, making use of institutions that do not fulfill their function and instead are accomplices in this attempt to destroy the system law of our country, since the political system has already collapsed, the truth of the matter is that what corresponds is the refoundation of the legal system, and of course, instead of privilege, the political system, which as we know, imploded on 25J.

That is why, using an expression that comes along with the new technological winds in the digital age, it is necessary to reset the political system, and in addition, the legal system is freed from the perverse influence of the politicians in Congress, who never hesitated to discuss the magistratures around the bed in a hotel, or lost, in a private clinic with its well-stocked refrigerator of food and drinks, with aides-de-camp disguised as nurses, and all that that we know is liked by the corrupt of that ilk. It would be about starting from scratch for everyone, thinking about a new political system since the current one does not work, it is not what a democratic process like the Guatemalan one of the third decade of the 21st century demands. You cannot move forward with a vehicle with only two tires in half good or half bad condition. It takes four and in good condition. That is what we are proposing now, with the idea of ​​resetting the political system in its entirety, since the evidence of its incapacity is monumental.

As is known, in politics in the face of the proliferation of problems, difficulties or challenges, the saying is used: one penalty at a time, and in this case, the current challenge is to win the 20 A street elections, by the progressive forces of our country, in order to begin the transition process that will take us to January 14, 2024, with the change of authorities and orientation of national institutions. That is the itinerary.

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