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Researchers Suggest Fourth Traffic Signal for Self-Driving Cars

Could Self-Driving Cars Lead to Changes in Traffic Lights? Experts Weigh In

Researchers Suggest Possibility of Additional Traffic Signal

Image source: University of Michigan College of Engineering/AP Images

The advent of self-driving cars could lead to a number of changes to traffic laws down the road, including a possible fourth traffic signal, researchers say. According to Mercedes-Benz USA CEO Dimitris Psillakis, in an interview with Fox News, drivers of self-driving cars might be able to watch videos while the vehicle takes over driving. But what could this mean for traffic flow and control?

Introducing the White Light Signal

Currently, traffic lights incorporate the standard red, yellow, and green signals to manage traffic intersections. However, a white light could be introduced to signal that autonomous vehicles are in charge of the intersection, allowing other vehicles to simply follow the self-driving car in front of them. This innovative concept, proposed by North Carolina State Univeristy’s associate engineering professor Ali Hajbabaie, could help streamline traffic and ensure the safe and efficient movement of self-driving cars.

No More Signals: A Radical Suggestion

Another possibility, as suggested by certain experts, is to eliminate traffic signals altogether. With evolving autonomous vehicle technology, it is becoming increasingly feasible for self-driving cars to rely on advanced communication systems and algorithms to navigate intersections and other traffic scenarios. This could render traffic signals irrelevant, as the vehicles communicate and coordinate with each other without the need for dedicated signals.

Optimizing Traffic Lights: A Step Towards the Future

A Waymo car

Image source: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

North Carolina State University isn’t the only institution exploring traffic light innovations. Researchers at the University of Michigan have secured a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to test real-time traffic light adjustments using data from connected and autonomous vehicles. The goal is to develop a system that optimizes traffic flow by responding dynamically to changing conditions, without requiring costly infrastructure upgrades.

The Rise of Autonomous Vehicles

Fully autonomous vehicles are not yet available to consumers, but companies like Tesla, Mercedes, GM, Ford, and Waymo (Alphabet’s autonomous rideshare service) are at the forefront of developing autonomous technology. While autonomous vehicles are gradually making their way into the market, it’s crucial for experts, policymakers, and infrastructure owners to carefully evaluate and make informed decisions to support the safe and efficient deployment of autonomous vehicles on our roads.

Cautious Implementation

Sandy Karp, spokesperson for Waymo, emphasizes the importance of cautious implementation and the consideration of the potential necessity and timing of AV-specific investments. While certain cities like Los Angeles, Phoenix, Austin, and San Francisco operate their traffic systems without a fourth light, it’s crucial to balance the need for innovation with the suitability and safety of the infrastructure.

Pioneering the Future of Traffic

Dr. Xingmin Wang

Image source: University of Michigan College of Engineering/AP Getty Images

For now, it’s evident that technological advancements in autonomous vehicles have the potential to revolutionize traffic lights and intersection management as we know it. While we might not see the implementation of a white light or elimination of traffic signals in the immediate future, intensive research and development efforts are underway to shape the traffic infrastructure of tomorrow.


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