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Researchers Find Water Vapor Out of the Martian Atmosphere, Has Life Ever Existed?

THE MIND OF THE PEOPLE – For researchers in space said it has observed, and found the presence of water vapor that radiates high out in the thin atmosphere Planet Mars that.

The results of these observations provide new clues to find out whether the red planet was once a place of life before or not.

As is researchers convey, traces of ancient valleys and former river channels suggest that water once flowed on the surface of Mars. Today, most of the water is confined to the planet’s ice sheets or buried underground.

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Some of it evaporates, in the form of hydrogen that leaks from the atmosphere, according to new research published in the journal Science Advances by two scientists at the UK’s Open University.


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In this case, para researchers detects this vapor by analyzing light passing through the Martian atmosphere, using an instrument called Nadir and Occultation for Mars Discovery.

The device is carried by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, a joint mission between the European Space Agency and Russia’s Roscosmos. As quoted Pikiran-Rakyat.com from the pages of The Guardian.

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“This fantastic instrument gives us a never-before-seen view of water isotopes in the Martian atmosphere, both in terms of function of time and location,” said Manish Patel, senior lecturer in planetary science at the British Open University.

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