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Researchers Discover Cause of Pregnancy Nausea: Hope for Prevention

It is an inseparable duo: pregnancy and nausea. The scientific journal Nature – not just any magazine – offers a little hope. Researchers have found the cause of morning sickness, and hope to be able to largely prevent it in the future.

Nausea during pregnancy

Scientists appear to have found an explanation for the nausea that many women experience during the first weeks of their pregnancy. This would be a hormone released by the fetus through the blood: GDF15. The researchers had assumed for some time that this hormone could be the culprit, but previously there was too much uncertainty to be able to claim this.

More GDF15

“We now know that women feel nauseous during pregnancy when they are exposed to higher levels of the hormone GDF15 than they are used to,” said one of the researchers in The Guardian. ‘ We hope that this breakthrough will make it easier to find a treatment or cure for morning sickness, or that it can even be prevented. For example, by giving women extra GDF15 before pregnancy,” is the positive note of this finding.


A great breakthrough in the field of pregnancy, and that is not the first this year. Since March 2023, there has finally been recognition for women who continue to have complaints after a caesarean section. A big step forward, because it makes comparative research possible.

You may also be interested in: 8 books that are really useful during pregnancy.

2023-12-16 12:33:45
#Researchers #find #morning #sickness #prevent

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