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Research staff: Paul Biya creates a National Commission in charge of recruitment

A new status for Cameroonian researchers

The presidential decree on the special status of research staff was published yesterday Tuesday, August 08, 2023.

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The President of the Republic Paul Biya signed yesterday, August 08, 2023, a decree on the special status of research staff in Cameroon. The said decree identifies the researcher as a natural person working on the design or creation of new knowledge, products, methods or systems on the basis of scientific programming, contributing to the resolution of problems and the development of humanity.

In its article 44 (1), the decree of the President of the Republic specifies that a national commission for the recruitment of researchers and a central evaluation commission for the advancement in rank of researchers are created within the Ministry of Scientific Research. . An ad hoc recruitment committee and an ad hoc researcher evaluation committee will regularly be added to these two structures.

The National Recruitment Commission is responsible for: examining researchers’ recruitment files, formulating reasoned opinions on the aptitude of applicants to assume the functions devolved to researchers. It will also take care of the establishment of lists of aptitude to be proposed to the ministry in charge of scientific research, with a view to recruitment to the various grades of researchers. The said commission will take charge of the validation of acquired professional experience, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

Advancement in rank

The central evaluation committee for the advancement in grade of researchers is responsible for:

  • Examination of the evaluation reports of the candidates’ work submitted by the ad hoc evaluation committees within the research institutes
  • Validation of the opinions issued on each application by the competent ad hoc evaluation committee
  • Formulation, for each application, of a reasoned opinion with a view to the decision of the Ministry responsible for scientific research
  • The formulation of recommendations aimed at improving the functioning of the procedure for the evaluation and advancement of researchers.

Ad hoc committees

In its article 47, the decree of August 08 specifies that the ad hoc recruitment committees referred to in article 44 paragraph 2 are responsible for:

  • The examination of the admissibility of files and the pre-selection of the profiles of candidates deemed suitable for the profession of researcher in each research institute concerned, in accordance with the conditions required for recruitment; validation of acquired professional experience.
  • In its article 48, Paul Biya’s decree specifies that the ad hoc evaluation committees are responsible for examining applications for promotion to the next higher grade.
  • Formulation of a reasoned opinion in favor or not of promotion to grade
  • Validation of acquired professional experience. “A special text from the Prime Minister specifies the composition and operating procedures of the commissions and ad-hoc committees referred to in article 44 above” specifies article 49 of the presidential decree.
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