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Research on excess mortality is difficult due to strict compliance with privacy regulations | NOW

As we strictly adhere to the privacy rules in the Netherlands, there may be less data available for research on the current excess mortality. So says scientist Eline van den Broek-Altenburg of the sounding board group that oversees research into excess mortality.

In your opinion, we may be putting a little too much effort into the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It can also be said “out of habit” that sharing is not possible or “out of fear” of going too far. But the data can be made anonymous. And it’s questionable whether permission is always needed, Van den Broek-Altenburg said in a conversation with the House of Representatives.

He also sees “absence of benevolence” when it comes to solving this problem. Access to relevant data is already being processed, but according to a letter from Health Minister Ernst Kuipers, this must be done responsibly in compliance with privacy regulations.

It was previously announced that scientists are unable to properly conduct research on the large number of deaths in our country. They do not receive certain data, for example, on coronary infections and vaccinations from the RIVM health institution.

RIVM head Jaap van Dissel wants it, but feels compelled to abide by the rules, as it turned out Thursday in the House of Representatives. According to him, it is up to politicians to change those rules. He pointed out that, for example, the registration of vaccinations is not complete. This is partly due to the fact that registration via a family doctor did not go well and because 70,000 people have asked for their registration to be removed.

Statistics agency CBS previously concluded that the excessive mortality of the past two years is partly the result of the corona pandemic, but that the virus cannot explain everything. It is important to find out what the other causes are. For example, delayed care and late diagnosis due to postponement of doctor visits during the block may be related.

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