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Research: no support for even more stringent measures Inland

The research agency went into the field in eight countries. What do citizens think of the measures to curb the advancing coronavirus? In the Netherlands, primary schools, catering establishments and courts were all locked up.

There is plenty of understanding. Three quarters (73%) strongly support this choice of government and consider this sufficient (59%). Especially keeping a distance (1.5 meters) is supported (92%). Striking: we went out en masse last weekend and did not always keep our distance.

Home insulation

It caused great outrage. Doctors are concerned about the “laconic manner” in which people deal with the RIVM guidelines. But a large group (57%) think we behave nicely. Although this figure may be lower next week. Half completed the survey last Friday, says researcher Manuel Kaal. Before we went out en masse.

Despite the corona crisis, the Dutch do not like the inside. Only 28% have self-imposed home insulation. A relatively low figure, says Kaal. “I think the government had hoped for a higher figure. A scenario of self-reliance in which citizens themselves choose to stay at home. But few citizens do that. ”

This low figure is notable for another reason: the Dutch are more concerned about the health of their neighbors (69%) and other Dutch (83%) than about their own well-being (61%), the study shows. It is advisable to stay at home, say doctors. This prevents you from infecting neighbors on the street.


Politicians Wilders and Baudet have been insisting on a complete lockdown for some time. But there is little enthusiasm. Only a quarter (25%) of the Dutch believe that our country should continue to be locked, following Spain and France. PVVers (42%) and FvDers (53%) are particularly in favor. Incidentally, they are no more often in voluntary home isolation than other voters, observes researcher Kaal.

A larger group (37%) does not like a lockdown. The rest (38%) don’t know, or are neutral. Although Kaal sees more support for more stringent measures in Limburg and Noord-Brabant, where the virus is spreading hard.

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