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Research: feared rebound in heart disease with containment

the essential
The French cardiac society is launching a study to assess the effects of confinement in patients with heart failure. Cardiologists fear a rebound effect from heart disease.

They hardly saw their patients during confinement. Then others arrived, more serious, at stages too late. Cardiologists are concerned. “In the past few weeks, we have seen in cardiac intensive care, patients with heart attacks, severe heart failure that we usually anticipated. They were afraid to come to the hospital, afraid of disturbing their doctor. It is time for our patients to think about their pathology “, underlines Pr Michel Galinier, co-head of the cardiology department of the Toulouse University Hospital and member of the Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies group of the French Society of Cardiology, which has just launched a study to assess the effects of confinement on his patients.

Less physical activity, weight gain

“Heart failure is one of the most serious chronic pathologies and this disease can favor serious cases of Covid-19. In the Toulouse region, our patients have been very little infected. So much the better, they have been very respectful of the measures taken. confinement and were not faced with problems accessing their treatment. But initial feedback from the survey shows that they have reduced their physical activity as well as dietary measures. Some have not seen a doctor for two months. That makes us fear a surge of cases of heart failure and worsening of the disease which would indirectly increase the sad toll of Covid-19 “, adds Prof. Galinier.

The investigation is expected to continue for another two weeks. One of the components concerns the respect of barrier gestures. “The wearing of the mask comes in first position before the use of the disposable handkerchief and the washing of the hands. The ventilation of the parts only comes in sixth place”, remarks the cardiologist for whom this Covid / confinement period allowed to make a leap in the field of teleconsultation as well as telemonitoring, a tool in full expansion in the follow-up of patients with heart failure.

In France, heart failure affects 1.1 million people and causes the death of 70,000 patients each year.

Symptoms to spot

The combination of four symptoms should alert because they may be indicative of heart failure. They are found under the acronym “EPOF”: E for shortness of breath on exertion and / or when lying down; P for significant weight gain in a few days; O for edema of the lower limbs with swollen legs and feet; F for significant fatigue including for a small effort.

If the diagnosis of heart failure is made, the “EPON” strategy is implemented: E for exercise or regular physical activity; P to weigh yourself regularly (rapid weight gain, in 2 or 3 days, may be a sign of decompensation); O to observe and follow the treatment; N not to salt your diet in order to avoid water and salt retention (do not exceed 4 to 6 grams of salt per day).

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