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Rescuing soldier Alberto – LA NACION

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Laura Di Marco’s analysis, on LN +


What can happen with the internal unleashed between Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner, in the middle of the pandemic and the danger of an unprecedented economic collapse?

Can the karma of Argentine politics be repeated in which a president conflicts with his vice, or in this remixed version, a vice conflicts with his president?

Can the Front of All end as the Alliance?

It all started with a retweeted by Cristina Kirchner in which he elliptically reproached his president for having met with businessmen at the July 9 celebration. Then,the escalation continued with a letter Then raging out Hebe de Bonafini denouncing, little less, that these business groups were responsible for the kidnapping of their children.

Then the senator followed Anabel Fernández Sagasti rectifying the president by Vicentin. And last but not least, today came out Victor Hugo Moralesto say that Alberto Fernández had disappointed him for condemning the human rights violations in Venezuela.

Every day there is a kirchnerista who, with Cristina’s handwriting behind, marks the field for a president who cannot empower himself and take his place. The Shadow of 2001.

There are important sectors of politics -of Together for Change, but also of federal Peronism – who are very concerned about the political tensions between Cristina and Alberto and the economic crisis that is brewing and still showed its worst face.

It’s about leaders like Fernández Meijide and Eduardo Duhalde, who were protagonists of 2001 and who seek to prevent another disaster from repeating. They seek to remove another “everyone go” and the possibility that a Creole “Bolsonaro” may emerge as an authoritarian solution.

From the Argentine Political Club they devised an “operation” to “rescue” Alberto from the “hell” of Kirchnerism, which was immediately backed by Eduardo and Chiche Duhalde and by other non-Kirchnerist Peronist figures.

What did you do? They prepared a document – which will now continue with meetings via Zoom – calling a dialogue table, as it happened in 2001.

In addition to the main opposition figures, the document was also signed by Juan Manuel Urtubey, Ramón Puerta and has a wink from Governor Schiaretti, even if you haven’t signed it. There are also business sectors, intellectuals and figures of liberal Catholicism.

What do they seek? On the clean side, they tell the President this: “Alberto: if you want to put a clear limit on Kirchnerism, count on us. This space can be a dam to stop Cristina.”

The question we ask ourselves is whether President Fernández wants to be rescued. If you have the courage to handle the pen, as Anselmo Gabbi would say.

Or could it be that not even Alberto Fernández knows who Alberto Fernández is?

Something that happened today, when 26 years of impunity for the attack against AMIA, marks the suggestion that the President would not be interested in that rescue. And that, rather, he still makes more efforts to be accepted by Cristina and hard Christianity.

Today Fernández participated in an event organized by the North American Jewish Committee. There he plainly and simply justified the signing of the Pact with Iran, which he had previously destroyed.

I want to tell you: he justified the agreement that Cristina signed with the main suspects of flying the AMIA and that was always evaluated as the motive for the murder of the prosecutor Nisman.

Look at what he said today before the North American Jewish Congress: “When an agreement was sought, which I criticized a lot, at bottom it was an attempt to unlock and find a solution.”

Look at what I wrote in 2015, in a very hard article in THE NATION: “Cristina knows that she has lied and that the memorandum signed with Iran only sought to cover up the accused. There is nothing to prove.”

A prosecutor who criminally denounced the President appeared dead days after making his claim and only a day before founding his complaint before the National Congress. At the center of power, where the complaint touched fiber, they spoke of suicide and murder, accused the deceased of being a inattentive father and a puppet of factors that operate in the shadows.

Will you, can the president be rescued? It is unlikely that Cristina will make “La Gran Chacho” because her freedom depends on her permanence in power.


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