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requirements (must not be cohabiting), rules and deadlines

Also grandparents and relatives will be able to cash in on bonus baby sitter allocated by the government to help parents during the coronavirus emergency. To clarify it, even if implicitly, is the INPS in a circular circulated in recent days. To take advantage of the 1,200 euro contribution for families with children up to 12 years (if disabled the limit does not apply) there is time until next 31 July. The check can be used to pay for a babysitter or even the fee for a nursery or a summer center. The aid, doubled from the initial 600 euros with the relaunch decree, increased to 2 thousand euros for doctors, nurses and workers in the security, defense and public rescue sectors used to deal with the Covid-19 emergency.

Someone had wondered if the bonus could be used to pay relatives. A somewhat borderline situation, although there are those who in this phase of health emergency preferred not to let domestic workers enter the house to avoid the risk of contagion. The INPS, which is responsible for providing the contribution, therefore in the circular number 73 of 17 June last decided to set the rules.

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“On the assent of ministerial opinion – the pension institution affirms – the non-applicability of the general principle of the presumption of gratuitousness of work services rendered in the family context is clarified except in the case of family members living with the applicant and, obviously, subjects holders of parental responsibility (parent, even if not cohabiting, separated or divorced). In the event of cohabitation, therefore, the family members – continues the circular – are excluded from the list of subjects admitted to perform work as a babysitter remunerated through the bonus ». Green light therefore to the payment of grandparents, uncles and relatives provided they do not live in the same family unit.

There are however other stakes to be respected in order to take advantage of the bonus. First of all, it is necessary to use the Family Booklet, an INPS tool that serves to compensate occasional services such as housework and home care for children and the elderly. The passbook is nominative and composed of payment titles, the nominal value of which is set at 10 euros, which are used to compensate work activities lasting no more than one hour. The parent who wants to benefit from the contribution and the babysitter must therefore register on the occasional INPS performance platform. To access the website of the social security institution you need the credentials of the INPS or Spid (the public digital identity system) or the electronic identity card.

The institute in the circular then recalls that the bonus cannot be enjoyed if the other parent is in turn on Covid leave, unemployed or non-worker and also if he receives other income support such as Naspi. Furthermore, given that during the emergency, smart working has become an ordinary way for many companies, bonuses can be requested even if the parent works from home. Ok to the bonus even if the father or mother is on maternity leave, parental leave or vacation.

In the circular, the INPS also clarified the compatibility of the bonus with the leave always instituted during the emergency. Those who have already used 15 days of leave from work to look after their children can ask for half the bonus (600 euros instead of 1,200). Those who have already requested more than 15 days are not entitled to money and can only use the remaining leave period. For parents who have not yet used either of the two measures, you can still ask for the bonus for the entire amount available.

Finally, as regards the use of the contribution to pay for a summer center, the certificate of registration will be enough to receive a direct transfer to the current account. The parent must attach to the application the documentation certifying the attendance of a center that offers supplementary services for children (such as, for example, an invoice or a receipt for payment or registration). The periods in which the activities were carried out by the child (no later than 31 July) with a minimum of one week and the amount of the expense must be indicated.

Last updated: 12:48


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