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Requirements and Procedures to Join Air Force College – Coordination of Military Colleges 2023

Coordination of military colleges 2023.. Many high school students, Al-Azhar secondary students, equivalent certificates, and graduates of public and private universities with higher qualifications, “warriors,” are looking for the conditions required to join the Air Force College.

Coordination of military colleges 2023

Sada El-Balad presents the conditions required to join the Air Force College.

Coordination of military colleges 2023.. The Air College accepts holders of a high school diploma, Al-Azhar certificates, and equivalent certificates in its “scientific and literary” sections, and that the age on 11/1/2023 does not exceed 21 years, and that the percentage of the total is 55% or more, and the period of study is 4 academic years “Gregorian”, and is granted The graduate majored in aviation, “Bachelor of Aviation, Air Military Sciences, and Air Badge – Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration major in Aviation and Airports Management,” a commercial pilot’s certificate, and an “internationally accredited” commercial pilot’s license.

The graduate is granted a specialization in air military sciences, a “Bachelor of Air Military Sciences and a badge of Air Military Sciences – a Bachelor of Computers and Information in the field of aviation information systems”, an air dispatch certificate and an “internationally accredited” air traffic controller license.

Coordination of military colleges 2023

Application procedures for admission to military colleges for high school students.

The start of recording preliminary data is on the official page of

The website of the Admission Coordination Office at the Military Academy and Colleges Online until Monday 08/28/2023 and The time for attendance to withdraw the file will be determined electronically.

And the door to withdraw files from the Coordination Office at the Military College in Heliopolis will be opened until Thursday, corresponding to 08/31/2023, and The test of personality traits and mental abilities is conducted on the same day the file is withdrawn.

Coordination of military colleges 2023

General conditions for admission

That the student be of Egyptian nationality and of two parents and two grandparents who enjoy this nationality “other than through naturalization / and that neither the student nor his parents have acquired other nationalities.”The student must have a “General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent / Industrial Secondary Certificate, three and five years system / University qualification”, provided that the year of obtaining the qualification is during the year “2022/23”.The student must be enrolled in one of the Egyptian universities or institutes in the event of obtaining a general secondary qualification or its equivalent in 2022He must not have been convicted of a criminal penalty or a crime involving moral turpitudeThe student should be of good conduct and behaviourThe student must be unmarried and have never been married, and undertake not to marry throughout his studies at the collegeThe student should not have resigned or been disciplinary dismissed from any military/civilian “college – institute – school”The student should not have been exempted from military service due to lack of medical fitnessThe height should not be less than 170 cm for all military colleges, except for the Air Force College, which is allowed up to 158 cm as a minimumThe student must be medically fit in accordance with the conditions of medical fitness established by the General Medical Council of the Armed Forces. It is not permissible to re-examine the student in the same advanced batch during the year in the event of his medical unfitness.The student must successfully pass the physical fitness tests, and this test may not be repeated in the same advanced batch during the year if he does not pass the testThat the student successfully perform the confidence jump test in the swimming pool from a height of “7.5 meters” / without hesitation and from the first time within a time not exceeding three seconds from issuing the command to jumpThe student must pass various psychological testsThe student must pass the personal test “Authority Examination” according to the evaluation of the examination committeeThe student must pass the general information test with distinctionThe student must pass the preferential exam “English language – computer” with distinction.The student must pass the advanced medical exams, which include “advanced specialized analyses”. That the student submit written undertakings that include full commitment to the terms of application, with an assurance that the documents / data included in the admission papers on the basis of which the student was accepted are correct throughout the student’s stay at the collegeThat the student has obtained the qualification from public/private universities only and not “higher institutes or academies”, and the student who obtained the qualification from public/private universities is obligated to sign the acknowledgment in the file that includes treating the student with the military degree he obtained and not with the university qualificationReserve officers and members of the Armed Forces who are in service are allowed to apply with the same conditions and controls, and swimming proficiency is required as a prerequisite for the Naval College exams, in addition to a statement of the documents required to be prepared and the place of their extraction available on the official page of The website of the Admission Coordination Office at the Military Academy and Colleges On the Internet, and the student and his guardian must seek to obtain these papers from now on, given that extracting them takes a long time, which leads to delays in the admission procedures.

2023-08-08 19:41:00
#Coordination #Military #Colleges #Learn #conditions #joining #Air #Force #College

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