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Request for impeachment of ‘Alito’ Moreno never reached the SI

Mexico City. The Investigative Section (SI) of the Chamber of Deputies was unable to process the request for removal of immunity against the national leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, because the file for it never reached its hands, justified the president of that instance, the Morena member Jaime Humberto Pérez Bernabe.

Interviewed at the end of Tuesday’s session, in which the Instructor closed her activities in the 65th Legislature, Pérez Bernabe insisted that “the only issue we had was from the Morelos Prosecutor’s Office,” referring to the case of the prosecutor of that state, Uriel Carmona Gándara, who was stripped of his immunity by the full House on December 14, 2023.

As reported in this newspaper, the Campeche Prosecutor’s Office filed a request for Moreno to be stripped of immunity for alleged illicit enrichment in August 2022. The requests for stripping of immunity and impeachment are received by the General Secretariat of San Lázaro and must be referred, respectively, to the Investigating Officer and the Preliminary Examination Subcommittee.

–Has Alejandro Moreno’s file never been delivered to you by the General Secretariat? – the legislator was asked after a brief, procedural meeting.

–We only had, we could only determine what we had in our hands, he said.

When pressed on whether or not he had Alito’s file in his hands, the Morena member tried to cut short the issue by saying that he could not “give an opinion” on it and repeated several times that said legislative body “what we do not have in our hands, we cannot start or proceed with… everything we had in our hands is what we were able to process, resolve.”

–So it was a pure myth that they had the file, that they were analyzing it and that it had been shelved because they were tied (the votes of the members of the SI) and that no one was going to get them out of there?

— No, we never said that. I don’t know if any member of the Investigative Committee has mentioned it. I don’t know and I don’t think they have said it.

Similarly, Pérez Bernabe indicated that the SI “did not precisely” have an office to receive notifications, to begin analyzing the file.

He also explained that there were “many times” in which those requesting impeachment proceedings against a public servant submitted their files incorrectly to the investigating judge, when it comes to matters that must be resolved by the Preliminary Examination Subcommittee.

“These are issues that normally generate confusion and on several occasions we had to clarify that this procedure is not part of the work of the Instructor or the Jurisdictional Commission,” he said.

Regarding the number of impeachments that remain pending, the deputy admitted that he does not know, because it is the Subcommittee for prior examination where that information should be, and clarified that said impeachment files are not discarded, but will be passed on to the 66th Legislature, which begins in September, for possible analysis.

The Preliminary Examination Subcommittee will also meet this afternoon, an instance where – according to unofficial data – there are more than a thousand requests for impeachment accumulated over several legislative periods.

Among other requests are those for impeachment against the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Norma Piña; the former president of the Court, Arturo Zaldívar; the governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, or the former governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla.

#Request #impeachment #Alito #Moreno #reached
– 2024-08-01 10:50:23

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