Lectures: 130
The deadline for the presentation of indications to the constitutional draft is approaching! In this context, the constitutional advisor Luis Silva, representative of the Republican Party, has highlighted some points that they seek to modify in the text presented by the Committee of Experts. The main objective is to address the “spaces of silence” present in the draft, in a Council where the Republicans have a majority.
According to Silva, the text presented by the experts is a “good starting point” for discussion, but it is also necessary to introduce changes and debates. Although he made it clear that they do not seek to “pass the machine” and that they do not consider it appropriate to interpret the presentation of the amendments as a battlefield, he stressed that the process will surely generate a debate in which the positions of both the Republicans and the rest will be known. of the benches
Regarding the constitutional architecture proposed by the experts, Silva assured that it is being respected. However, he emphasized that the final objective is to offer the best possible Constitution to the citizenry, and to achieve this it is necessary to find a text that interprets a broader arc of the population.
Among the indications presented by the Republican Party, the protection of the unborn person stands out, an issue that they consider one of the “great silences” of the bill. Silva pointed out that there are various options to strengthen this protection, although he acknowledged that it will not be resolved in the coming months because the effectiveness of the Constitution depends not only on those who write it, but also on those who apply it.
Another amendment raised by the Republicans concerns international treaties. According to Silva, the experts’ text does not resolve an existing ambiguity regarding the hierarchy of treaties in the Chilean legal system. They consider it important to address this discussion to achieve legal certainty and define the outline of national sovereignty.
The Republican constituent Luis Silva Irarrázabal
Finally, the Republican Party proposes reducing the number of representatives as a measure to address the problem of political fragmentation and the difficulty of dialogue between the Executive and Congress. According to Silva, by reducing the number of parliamentarians, the formation of broader political forces would be encouraged and dialogue would be facilitated both between Congress and the Executive.
In short, the process of presenting indications to the constitutional draft is underway and the Republican Party seeks to fill the “spaces of silence” present in the text. The amendments presented address issues such as the protection of the unborn person, the hierarchy of international treaties and the reduction in the number of deputies. As the debate develops, the final text that best represents and serves a large proportion of the Chilean population will be defined.