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Republican trip about the President of the movement, Akanda in apotheosis

Libreville, Tuesday August 13, 2024 (Gabon News) – On August 12, as part of the Republican tour he is doing in the Estuaire region, after returning on Sunday from Kigali (Rwanda), the President of the movement get in victory with Akanda commune numbers at the Sino-Gabonese friendship stadium.

On behalf of the people of Akanda, the special representative, General Jean Claude Sipamio Berre, thanked the Head of State for allowing the commune of Akanda to present another vision today, thanks to several achievements, before putting together protests, to especially the construction of the building that must receive the services of this town hall as well as several others in which the administrative services must be held.

“Mr. President, we are waiting for the construction of the Akanda town hall, the supply of vehicles, the development of the cemetery,” he said.

In his speech, the Head of State first paid tribute to the former Prime Minister, Léon Mébiame Mba, and then announced that an envelope of one billion (1,000,000,000) CFA francs had been given to the Akanda town hall, with the aim to strengthen basic structures that aim. in improving the living conditions of citizens: water, electricity, hospitals, schools and others.

“Gentlemen and special representatives, I invite you to make good use of this envelope that will allow you to strengthen the programs initiated for the development of the city for which you are responsible,” said General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema. Before continuing his tour of this society for a massive popular meeting, the Head of State first went to the Akanda High School of Excellence to immerse himself in completing the work of the high school this public.

The Head of State was accompanied by the First Lady Zita Oligui Nguema, members of the CTRI as well as members of the government.


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