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Republican Speaker of the House Balances Ukraine Aid Push and Party Politics

Republican Speaker’s Plan for Military Assistance to Ukraine Sparks Opposition

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Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has a plan for getting new military assistance for Ukraine approved by Congress – and for keeping his tenuous hold on power.

With Democrats wary and a Republican right flank eyeing open rebellion, however, Mr Johnson may find that even the best-laid plans could quickly unravel.

Mr Johnson’s Proposal

Mr Johnson, a Louisiana congressman, recently shared his strategy during an interview with Fox News. He intends to push the House, which holds the narrowest of Republican majorities, to structure new Ukraine support in the form of loans.

Moreover, in order to cover the costs, Mr Johnson has suggested authorizing the US government to seize and sell Russian assets that have been frozen since the start of the Ukraine war.

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In an effort to garner support from his Republican colleagues, Mr Johnson additionally proposed tying the passage of Ukraine aid to legislation ending a hold on new liquefied natural gas export authorizations. This hold was put in place by the Biden administration in January at the request of environmental activists.

Past Attempts and Opposition

This wouldn’t be the first time Republicans have tried to tie Ukraine assistance to an unrelated political priority for the party. In February, Senate Republicans negotiated with Democrats to construct a legislative package that included funding for Ukraine, conservative immigration reforms, and resources for border security. However, the deal failed after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump voiced his opposition and his loyalists in Congress, including Mr Johnson, followed suit.

Democratic Concern and Calls for Action

The White House has repeatedly warned that the approved Ukraine aid has run out since the beginning of this year. As a result, the nation is gradually losing ground in its war against Russia due to the lack of continued American support. In the House of Representatives, pro-aid legislators have been collecting signatures for a parliamentary procedure to trigger a vote on a Senate-approved measure that authorizes new aid for Ukraine and Israel. This would essentially force Mr Johnson to address the issue.

Internal Challenges and Future Implications

The Republican Speaker is currently facing internal unrest from the hard-core right within his own party. After striking a compromise with Democrats to avoid a recent government shutdown, one conservative firebrand, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, has threatened to file a motion to remove Mr Johnson from his position. As party tensions continue to rise, any misstep from the Speaker could lead to further disruptions.

Looking Ahead

With national elections approaching in November, Mr Johnson and his fellow Republicans cannot afford to appear divided and incapable of governing. As the Speaker finds himself in a precarious situation due to delicate political dynamics, finding a solution that balances the needs of different factions will be crucial to maintaining stability within the party.

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