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Republican leader says parties fight for “two different Americas” – Jornal Económico

Kristine Eng, president of the Republican party in Center County, Pennsylvania, admitted that “you can see that two different Americas are at stake”, with “very polarized” campaigns for the presidential election, which takes place on Tuesday and oppose Donald Trump to Democrat Joe Biden.

In an interview with the agency Lusa, at the office in State College, Pennsylvania, Kristine Eng argued that for the Republican party, the “great goal is to preserve America as a land of freedom, opportunity and individual power” and as a country of “law and order ”.

Kristine Eng said that communication between the two parties is very difficult: “I always said that we are Americans, first of all. (…) But now, I wonder ‘what America do we want?’ ”.

The leader classified as “very worrying” the request supported by several Democratic figures to reduce funding for the police and even to dismantle police units (‘defund the police’).

Kristine Eng used the example of refugees and exiles from South America, who want to enter the United States across the borders with Mexico: “they are fleeing countries that do not enforce the law”.

“Look at Venezuela,” continued Kristine Eng. “We are looking at countries that are led by people who just want power and money,” he explained.

“Venezuela would be an extreme of where we are, but so are these ideas, ideologies that lean towards a socialist approach. That’s how it starts and then all freedoms and rights are taken away, ”said the Republican official, blaming the Democratic party for wanting to lead the United States towards socialism.

The former math teacher said that the party struggle should be seen without the figures of the presidential candidates: “I would like to remove the personalities of each candidate, Trump and Biden” to see “who is behind, who supports, whom they listen to and what they defend ”.

According to the Republican official, it is important that in the USA there is freedom and opportunity to open business: the promise is not that the business goes well, because it depends on the entrepreneur, but that “it has the opportunity and is not regulated so heavily”.

The economy is one of the strongest points in the Donald Trump campaign and one of the reasons why some American businessmen prefer the continuation of the President in the White House.

One of the major disgust for Kristine Eng was the fact that the Democratic candidate for President, Joe Biden “and the left did not denounce violence in the streets” in the summer, during the wave of protests against racism and police brutality, and did not assume a a position of “clearly condemning vandalization and looting of properties”.

Asked by Lusa about the fact that Donald Trump did not denounce white supremacists and said, in the first presidential debate, on September 29 that the far-right group Proud Boys should “back off and wait”, Kristine Eng said that in fact, the President condemned and denounced these groups.

“He categorically defended law and order, always supported the law and consequences for violating the law,” argued Eng.

For the responsible, it was a misunderstanding, in which “they threw the name of Proud Boys”, that few knew.

Kristine Eng stressed that the country needs to apply and defend the Constitution and told Lusa that this is one reason why it supports Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the US Supreme Court, which has been at the center of a controversy in recent weeks, for reinforcing the conservative majority of the judiciary and to be able to act in favor of Donald Trump.

“We need someone to look at the Constitution, see the Law, interpret the Law, check and decide how to interpret the Law,” said Kristine Eng.

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