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“Republican Governors Rally Behind Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in Border Security Feud with Biden Administration”

Republican Governors Rally Behind Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in Border Security Feud with Biden Administration

In a show of solidarity, Republican governors from 25 states have thrown their support behind Texas Governor Greg Abbott in his ongoing feud with the Biden administration over border security. The joint statement, released by the Republican Governor’s Association, emphasizes Texas’ “constitutional right to self-defense” and expresses the governors’ commitment to utilizing every available tool and strategy to secure the border.

The only GOP governor who did not sign onto the statement was Vermont Governor Phil Scott, who admitted to voting for President Biden in the 2020 election. This absence highlights the united front presented by the remaining Republican governors, who are determined to support Abbott and the state of Texas in their efforts to protect the sovereignty of their states and the nation.

The Supreme Court recently ruled that federal authorities have the authority to remove razor wire installed by Texas along a 30-mile stretch of land near the US-Mexico border in Eagle Pass. This ruling has further intensified the conflict between Texas and the Biden administration. However, Abbott remains resolute, declaring that Texas’ right to self-defense supersedes any federal statutes and vowing to continue deploying this razor wire as an effective deterrent against illegal border crossings.

Several of the Republican governors who signed the joint statement have also issued individual declarations of support for Texas and have pledged to provide resources to combat illegal migrant crossings. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, for instance, expressed her willingness to send National Guard troops to stand alongside Texas in enforcing its laws. She emphasized the need for a different arrangement this time, one that maximizes the effectiveness of these soldiers.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine echoed these sentiments, calling the situation at the southern border untenable and criticizing the Biden administration’s immigration policies as a total failure. DeWine pledged Ohio’s continued support for Texas and highlighted the Ohio National Guard’s continuous presence on the border since October 2020.

The support for Texas from fellow Republican governors extends beyond just words. Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “If President Biden won’t defend us, states will have to defend themselves. Arkansas stands with Texas.” Similarly, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin expressed his support for Abbott and Texas’ constitutional right to defend itself. These governors are making it clear that they are prepared to take action to protect their states if the federal government fails to do so.

The conflict between Texas and the Biden administration revolves around immigration enforcement and the record-levels of illegal border crossings witnessed in recent times. Governor Abbott argues that these crossings have overwhelmed towns along the US-Mexico border and necessitate immediate action. In response, the Department of Justice has threatened to sue Texas if it enforces a new law allowing state authorities to arrest, jail, prosecute, and deport migrants who enter the country illegally. Additionally, the DOJ has sued Texas over its construction of a floating barrier in the Rio Grande, which courts have ordered Abbott to remove.

To put pressure on President Biden and draw attention to the consequences of his open border policies, Texas has bused over 95,000 migrants to sanctuary cities such as New York and Chicago. Governor Abbott hopes that this action will prompt the president to reverse course and take stronger measures to secure the border.

As the feud between Texas and the Biden administration escalates, the support of Republican governors from across the country serves as a powerful statement. These governors are standing together in defense of their states’ sovereignty and their commitment to upholding immigration laws. With their collective voice, they aim to compel President Biden to take decisive action to address the crisis at the US-Mexico border. The battle for border security wages on, and Republican governors are determined to ensure that their states are not left vulnerable.

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