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Repubblica: “Inter, Marotta dreams of Lukaku-Dybala. And he offers this name to Chelsea “

Tomorrow it is confirmed that there will be a meeting in Milan between the Nerazzurri managers and Lukaku’s lawyer: the scenario

The rumors of a possible return of Romelu Lukaku all’Inter. At the moment the costs of the operation are unsustainable for the Nerazzurri, but from tomorrow we will try to find a possible joint to arrive at a solution. Repubblica explains about it: “The Chelsea, who has recently changed ownership, is unwilling to bear a loss for the Belgian forward. Londoners will only consider an onerous loan (around 23 million euros, considering the annual amortization) with a redemption obligation set at around 70 million euros. Furthermore, Lukaku is expected to cut his salary in half, from the 12 million net he earns at Chelsea to 6 million. Which become 12 gross. In practice, those who buy Lukaku should spend 35 million euros, 23 plus 12. It is unlikely that Marina Granovskaia, confirmed for at least one season in the role of CEO, will give discounts to those who want Lukaku.

But be careful: despite the difficulty of making ends meet, Inter are looking for a way to get to Lukaku. Because Marotta’s dream is to train a Lukaku-Dybala couple. Not surprisingly, tomorrow it is confirmed that there will be a meeting in Milan between the Nerazzurri managers and Lukaku’s lawyer, precisely to develop a strategy that will allow the “Great Return” of the Belgian giant.

In the meantime, we will talk about the salary, which the attacker is willing to reduce but not exactly by half, dropping from 12 million to 7.5. Then we will discuss the possibility of using or not the advantages linked to the Growth Decree. The main thing, of course, remains to convince Chelsea to give up the player without reaching the aforementioned figures. Inter would be willing to include de Vrij in the deal, while for now Chelsea’s request would not fall below 20 million euros for the loan and 70 for the redemption. On that, Inter will have to be good in the future negotiations with the London club, it is impossible to reach Lukaku without obtaining a super discount “, concludes the newspaper.

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