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Representatives of the JV and NA Government Statement Working Groups are known

By the evening of Tuesday 15 November, “New Unity” (JV) e National associations (NA) representatives of the working groups for the development of the government statement instead Combined list (AS) will appoint its representatives in the near future.

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In total, it is planned to create 14 working groups – financial; foreign policy; education and science; state administrations; rule of law and fight against corruption; climate, energy and environment; child care and maintenance; Health; regional development and digitalisation; agriculture and forestry; internal security and crisis management; protection; economy and employment; cultural spaces, national identities and information spaces; traffic areas.

The JV portal “Delfi” was informed that the political force has internally agreed both the heads of the working groups for drafting the government declaration in their areas of competence, and the representatives who are delegated to work in the other working groups.

The finance section will lead the working group Arvil AsheradenForeign Affairs – Edgars Rinkevicseducation and science – Andachakshabut the section of the declaration on state administration, the rule of law and the fight against corruption will be prepared under the leadership of Inese Lībīņa-Egneres.

Raimonds Čudars will lead the working group on climate and energy, while Evika Siliņa will lead the welfare and child support policy. JV representatives delegated in other sectors will be both 14. Saimaas well as municipal deputies and industry experts.

Furthermore, the information available to the “Delphi” portal shows that Ilzi Indriksoni, Artūrs Butānas, Įrta Lapiņa are in the finance section working group, Riharda Kol, Jānis Dombrava and Inārs Mūrniecs in the foreign policy working group, Rudolf Kalvānas, Edmund Teirumniecs in the Education and Science Working Group and Edvard Ratniek.

Jānis Iesalnieku, Ugi Mitrevica and Gaidi Bērziņu in the working group State Administration, Rule of Law and the fight against corruption, in the working group Climate, Energy and Environment – Ilzi Indriksoni, Jāni Vitenbergu and Einārs Cilinski, in the field of children’s welfare and affairs – Imanta Paradnieku, Mitrevica and Jurgi Klotinu, but in the field of health – Teirumnieku, Paradnieku and Dzintari Mozgi.

NA leads Mitrevica, Jānis Dombrava and Jānis Grasberga in the regional development and digitization working group, in the field of agriculture and forestry – Kaspar Gerhard, Grasberga and Jāni Eglīti, internal security and crisis management, and in the areas of defense – Dombravau, Edvina Šnor and Mūrnieci, economy and employment in the field – Indrikson, Wittenberg and Bhutan, in the field of culture – Nauri Puntuli, Shnori and Ritvar Jansons, and in the field of traffic – Gerhard, Wittenberg and Robert Zīli.

The representative of AS Edgars Tavars told the portal “Delfi” that the political force will offer its representatives in the working groups tonight or tomorrow morning.

Kariņš invites the leaders of the working groups to each present their section of the government’s draft declaration by the evening of Sunday 20 November.

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