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REPORTAGE. Covid-19: vaccination has finally started in Brittany

” Mission accomplished ! “, smiles Jean Raguénès, 87-year-old resident. Monday January 4, 2021, first vaccinations of residents in Brittany took place at the nursing home of the Le Jeune hospital center, in Saint-Renan, near Brest (Finistère). Under the flashes of photographers and cameras, the former shoemaker received his first injection of Pfizer by his attending physician. The second, if all goes well, will be in three weeks.

A little sting, but a huge hope of “Return to normal life. I did not hesitate. This is the only solution to stop the Covid! “

Thirty-five residents affected on Monday. By the end of the week, 145 of 171 will have received their first injection. “We have an agreement rate of 85%”, welcomes Isabelle Bégoc, the deputy director of the hospital.

The reasons for the delay

A good figure which also makes the happiness of Stéphane Mulliez, Director General of the Regional Health Agency (ARS). “ This is a very encouraging sign in relation to the support of the elderly and their families. “

The controversy does not end on the slow start of the French countryside. Why are you late ? “80% of Covid-19 deaths concern people over 85 years old. We decided to protect nursing homes first ”, recalls Stéphane Mulliez.

However, nursing homes welcome a particular population. “The first difficulty was obtaining informed consent from people. More than half of our residents are unable to do so, explains Dominique Sellin-Perez, coordinating doctor of the nursing home. During the holidays, it took time to contact guardians, support persons or families. “

Second difficulty: organize this vaccination “In conjunction with the twenty-four treating physicians who work with us”.

Finally, the third difficulty concerns the constraints linked to the vaccine itself: BioNTech / Pfizer (Comirnaty). “One vial can vaccinate five people. Doses are only valid for six hours. It is necessary to organize sessions with a number of residents multiple of 5. “

” Speed ​​up the process “

In the initial protocol, two consultations were provided for five days apart. But “The treating doctors refused to come twice. They did the pre-vaccination consultation, and the vaccination afterwards, when there were no complications. “

Vaccinations are now continuing in fourteen Breton pilot structures: nine nursing homes and five long-term care units (USLD), public or private (patients, residents and professionals). After January 11, the process will be generalized to 498 nursing homes and 37 USLDs. “By February, our first goal is to vaccinate all Breton nursing homes », explains Stéphane Mulliez.

The second objective is to” speed up the process “. In Brittany, since this weekend, nursing staff – hospital or liberal – over 50 years of age or who have risk factors – can benefit from vaccination. “ Starting this week, in each department, we want to open a dedicated center, then, in the next two weeks, three other centers. “

The second phase should begin in February for those over 75, then over 65 and people with pathologies. Phase 3 will concern the rest of the population: from spring, according to the government; in the fall, according to the Breton ARS.

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