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Reportage by “Don Stanislao” about Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz. Stanisław Gądecki, the president of the episcopate, comments

Stanisław Gądecki, chairman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, issued a statement on the report “Don Stanislao. The other face of Cardinal Dziwisz”, broadcast on Monday on TVN24. “I hope that all doubts presented in this report will be clarified by the appropriate Holy See committee” – he wrote.

Marcin Gutowski, the reporter of “Black and White” TVN24 showed in his report the unknown face of Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz. He appears in it as a powerful hierarch, a gray eminence who can take care of the interests of the Church – understood in a specific way. Also when it comes to cases involving victims of pedophilia.


The president of the episcopate issued a statement

Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the chairman of the episcopate, responded to the information presented in the report on Tuesday morning.

“With reference to the TVN24 report (…), in which Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz is accused of negligence in explaining cases of sexual abuse by clergy, I hope that any doubts presented in this report will be clarified by the appropriate committee of the Holy See “- he wrote in a statement.

He added that “the Church in Poland is grateful to the Cardinal for his many years of service alongside Saint John Paul II”.

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Archbishop Stanisław GądeckiŁukasz Gągulski / PAP

Dziwisz: an independent commission is needed

Cardinal Dziwisz himself reported to the Polish Press Agency on Monday in a statement that he reiterated the proposal that an independent commission should deal with the evaluation of actions taken by the Church party in relation to the issues raised in the report.

He declared that “he is ready to fully cooperate with such a committee”. – I care about explaining these matters in a transparent manner. It is not about whitewashing or hiding possible negligence, but about fair presentation of the facts – said the hierarch

photo-source">Main photo source: Łukasz Gągulski / PAP

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