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Report: The richest 1 percent emits twice as much CO2 as the poorest half | NOW

The richest 1 percent of the world is responsible for more than double the CO2 emissions of the 3.1 billion poorest people in the world, according to a report by aid organization on Monday. Oxfam Novib.

The report examines the CO2 emissions of various income groups between 1990 and 2015. The richest 63 million people in the world appear to be responsible for 15 percent of CO2 emissions. The poorest half of the world (3.1 billion people) appears to be responsible for 7 percent of emissions.

More than half of global CO2 emissions (52 percent) are also caused by the richest 10 percent. This same group consumed one third of the world’s remaining carbon budget, the amount of carbon dioxide that can be added to the atmosphere without increasing global temperature by more than 1.5 degrees, while the poorest half of the world’s population consumed only 4 percent.

“While the overconsumption of a wealthy minority is further fueling the climate crisis, it is mainly the poorest in developing countries who are paying the price”, says Bertram Zagema, climate expert at Oxfam Novib.

‘More CO2 emissions through relaxation of corona measures’

The main cause for high CO2 emissions is transport, and specifically aviation transport, the report states. Due to the corona crisis, CO2 emissions fell sharply for a while, but emissions are now rising rapidly again due to the relaxation of corona measures in many countries.

According to Zagema, governments must, among other things, set strict requirements for corona support packages for companies, including the reduction of CO2 emissions. “The Oxfam report shows that climate change is a problem of inequality. The biggest causes, to which most of us in the Netherlands belong, have the greatest responsibility to tackle it,” said the climate expert.

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