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“Report Reveals Some Directors Took Drugs with Elon Musk, Raising Concerns”


Report Reveals Some Directors Took Drugs with Elon Musk, Raising Concerns

Elon Musk, the enigmatic CEO and founder of Tesla Inc. and SpaceX, has long been a subject of fascination and controversy. From his ambitious plans to colonize Mars to his unconventional behavior on social media, Musk has always managed to capture the public’s attention. However, a recent report by the Wall Street Journal has shed light on a darker side of Musk’s life – his alleged use of illegal drugs.

According to the report, Musk’s use of illegal drugs was not only common knowledge among several current and former directors of Tesla and SpaceX but also raised concerns about the extent of his drug use. The newspaper cited individuals who claimed to have witnessed Musk consuming drugs or were briefed on the matter. Shockingly, some of these sources revealed that Musk even consumed drugs with some of his board members.

What is perhaps even more alarming is the fact that the board did not take any action to investigate these claims or document any concerns. This revelation comes on the heels of a scathing ruling by a Delaware judge, who criticized the relationship between Musk and his directors, citing conflicts of interest in her decision that Musk’s $55 billion pay package was excessive.

When approached for comment, both Musk and his lawyer, Alex Spiro, remained silent. However, this is not the first time that Musk’s alleged drug use has made headlines. The Wall Street Journal had previously reported that Musk had used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties. In response to those claims, Spiro had stated that Musk was regularly and randomly drug tested at SpaceX and had never failed a test.

But perhaps the most shocking revelation from the report is the pressure that some friends and directors felt to partake in illegal drug use with Musk. According to the Wall Street Journal, these individuals believed that refusing to indulge in drugs could upset Musk and potentially harm their social standing within his circle. It seems that the allure of being associated with one of the world’s most influential entrepreneurs was too great to resist.

Musk himself responded to the Wall Street Journal’s story on his alleged drug use in his typical nonchalant manner. Taking to his preferred social media platform, X, Musk posted, “Whatever I’m doing, I should obviously keep doing it!” He went on to boast about Tesla and SpaceX being the world’s most valuable car and space companies and even hinted at the possibility of drugs improving his productivity.

It is important to note that Musk’s alleged drug use has not affected his ability to oversee his vast empire. Currently, Musk is at the helm of six companies: Tesla, SpaceX, X (formerly known as Twitter), The Boring Co., Neuralink, and xAI. Despite the controversies surrounding him, Musk has managed to maintain his position as a visionary leader in the fields of electric vehicles, space exploration, and technology.

While the report raises concerns about Musk’s personal choices and the potential impact on those around him, it remains to be seen how this revelation will affect his reputation and the perception of his companies. One thing is for certain – Elon Musk continues to be a figure who elicits both admiration and controversy, pushing boundaries and challenging norms along the way.

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