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“Replacing Oil with Peelings: The Future of Sustainable Energy”

General description

The Ecological Transition mission of the ENS de Lyon offers you a cycle of conferences throughout the year.

Carine Michael is the guest of the next appointment.

Replacing oil with peelings, a realistic return to the future? Challenges and contributions of modelling.

“Today we are all dependent on oil. It is our main source of fuel but also of carbon to manufacture plastic materials, detergents, solvents, etc. Getting out of this dependence is essential to make the ecological transition but requires switching to a renewable resource. A possible alternative is the use of waste from agriculture, agro-industry, and why not, our peelings! The recovery of this waste into fuel or chemical products must be done in the most virtuous way possible, that is to say by respecting the principles of Green Chemistry. The development of these transformations must be done quickly given the climate emergency. We will see how modeling and quantum chemistry can achieve this goal. »

The speaker:
Carine Michel is a research fellow at the Chemistry Laboratory at ENS de Lyon.
She is a specialist in catalysis modeling for the valorization of biomass.

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