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Replaceable Components: Fairphone 5 Makes DIY Repairs Easy

With the vast majority of today’s smartphones, you can’t repair or replace anything yourself, perhaps with the exception of a worn case or a scratched screen cover. You simply can’t get into the guts of phones (except maybe the buttons and a few durable models) without the necessary specialist equipment.

Changing the battery on the Fairphone 5 is a piece of cake

As the pressure to extend the life cycle of not only smartphones increases and there is more and more talk about the sustainability of electronics, there are also more manufacturers who do not put such obstacles in the way for customers to be able to replace or repair some parts themselves without the need to visit a service center.

Overview of all components that can be replaced on the Fairphone 5

It is offered with a component that we were used to changing on a regular basis even some ten years ago – the battery. At that time, most smartphones (except for iPhones) still had a normally open back cover, and the battery could easily be removed from under it. Today, this is far from the rule, on the contrary, it is the exception.

A screwdriver is all you need to replace other components

One such phone is the Fairphone 5. This smartphone from the Dutch brand pays attention to sustainability, allows individual user exchange of several components, is made from a large proportion of recycled materials and promises up to 8 years of software support. That’s how long you can theoretically last with a smartphone, unless some other “telephone revolution” comes along.

You can buy a spare battery directly from the manufacturer’s e-shop

However, practically no battery today can guarantee such a long time without capacity degradation, so even on the Fairphone 5 you have the option of replacing it yourself. You can buy a spare battery either directly from the Fairphon e-shop, or from the distribution network where the sustainable phone is officially sold. Unfortunately, there is no such seller in the Czech Republic yet.

A small screwdriver and a bit of dexterity are all you need to disassemble the Fairphone 5 into replaceable parts

We tried changing the battery ourselves, and as you can see in the video at the beginning of the article, it really is just as easy as it was 10 years ago. There is even no need to disconnect any cable, as for example with another similarly designed “sustainable” smartphone, the Nokia G22. And also replacing other components, e.g. the display, is relatively simple with the Fairphone 5 – you don’t need any large set of tools, just a small screwdriver is all you need.

2023-10-28 07:57:06
#replaced #battery #smartphone #simple #days

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