Is there anything better than an overstuffed burrito?! National Burrito Day is coming up 6 avril, and if you’re looking to catch the best of the best, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a list of where you can find the best burrito in each state.
The restaurants on this list serve everything from traditional burritos filled with rice, beans, and cheese to high flavors that will satisfy any palate. Grab a lobster sushi burrito from Kenji Burger in Hawaii, a chicken tikka burrito from Grill bollywood in New Jersey or a poutine burrito at Bloc 16 au Nebraska.
You can even find some of these top-rated ritos in the most unlikely places. ranch camp in Vermont serves burritos at a bike shop and Tacos La Pasadita in Utah prepare their burritos in a food truck that shares a lot with a gas station. Whether you like your breakfast burrito smothered in hot sauce, vegan, or outright, we can all agree that there’s no wrong way to enjoy this irresistible treat.
Don’t have Yelp on your phone yet? Download the app today and follow our new Best burrito in every state for National Burrito Day on Yelp Collection to have this complete list at your fingertips!
Alaska (Anchorage): Bear tooth theater pub
Alabama (Hoover): Taqueria Juárez
Arkansas (Lowell): The Caretta
Arizona (Tucson): bairsa del bario
California (Burbank): sidewalk grid
Colorado (Denver): Family taqueria
Connecticut (Norwalk): Aztec Tacos
DC (Washington): Bulletin de Ted
Delaware (Wilmington): Devil’s burritos
Florida (Navarre): shark bite
Georgia (Atlanta): push man
Hawaii (Cape Town): Kenji Burger
Iowa (ville d’Iowa) the royal taco shop
Idaho (Nampa): Pablo’s Tacos
Illinois (Chicago): Un Hakkoré 2.0
Indiana (Fishermen): Burrito & Beer
Kansas (Wichita): Doo-Dah dinner
Kentucky (Louisville): with eggs
Louisiana (New Orleans): Jimmy J’s Café
Massachusetts (Westfield): Two Rivers Burrito

Maryland (Baltimore): water for chocolate
Maine (Ellsworth): 86 Ce
Michigan (Troy): Mexican food from Oaxaca
Minnesota (Allen Park): The taco stand
Missouri (Kansas City): Scott’s Kitchen and Catering au Hangar 29
Mississippi (Diberville): Zone burrito et tamales
Montana (Bozeman): Café Rise and Shine
North Carolina (Asheville): Sunny Point Cafe
North Dakota (Dickinson): to the hairline
Nebraska (Omaha): Bloc 16

New Hampshire (Nashua): California Burritos
New Jersey (Lac Hiawatha): Grill bollywood
New Mexico (Santa Fe): Palace Cafe
Nevada (Sparks): cuisine carlilos
New York (Bronx): Taqueria Tixcali
Ohio (West Chester): Mi Burrito Mexican Grill
Oklahoma (Oklahoma City): Cocoa coffee
Orégon (Portland): Ursa Minor
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia): Zapata Kitchen
Rhode Island (Smithfield): Countess Mexican Restaurant

Caroline du Sud (Hilton Head Island): Java Burrito Companies
South Dakota (Sioux Falls): Tortilleria Hernandez
Tennessee (Knoxville): Paco’s Tacos
Texas (Austin): Hot-dogs Sonora de T-Loc
Utah (green donor): Tacos La Pasadita
Virginia (Alexandria): Bakery and Taqueria La Mexicana
Vermont (Stowe): ranch camp
Washington (Kennewick): Grill El Fat Cat
Wisconsin (Sturgeon Bay): 5e et Jefferson Coffee House
Virginie-Occidentale (Shepherdstown): Maria’s taqueria
Wyoming (Laramie): Rose des Prairies

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably craving a burrito! Find out where to find your fix for National Burrito Day by to research on Yelp.
Methodology: This is an all-time list of the best burrito in every state according to Yelp. We identified businesses in the Food & Restaurant category on Yelp with a high concentration of reviews mentioning “burrito,” then ranked those locations using a number of factors, including total volume and ratings of reviews mentioning ” burritos”. This list has reviewed companies in the United States. All businesses were marked as open on Yelp as of February 15, 2023. When available, all businesses on this list have a satisfactory health score as of February 15, 2023.