Home » Entertainment » Repeated mishaps Masked Singer in Finland put Benjamin Peltos to shame – This is all going wrong –

Repeated mishaps Masked Singer in Finland put Benjamin Peltos to shame – This is all going wrong –

Benjamin is not in shock in tonight’s Masked Singer in Finland.

Benjamin Peltonen is not in the best possible shot this week Masked Singer in Finland.

First, the young detective guesses that Luurango is Tarja from Turku. The justification is that Luuranko has said that he is from Kuopio.

– Kuopio is a fool, because of course all the easy things go to the fact that he is Erja Lyytinen, Benjamin exudes self-confidence and taps his temple with a pen.

– But the clue is the city that refers to the surname, and we are really talking about Tarja Turus! he huffs triumphantly.

Benjamin Peltonen is so much in his element in tonight’s episode that the Eurovision Song Contest is the theme. He participated in the UMK qualifiers last year. Matti Matikainen

This is where everyone gets confused.

– What? detective colleague Jenni Poikelus falls off the wagon and is not the only one.

Presenter Ile Uusivuori trying to take control of the situation.

– So we went from Kuopio to Eastern Finland quite strongly, he clarifies, but Benjamin directly corrects the man’s words, because he still imagines that he is right at this point.

– From Kuopio to Western Finland, Benjamin emphasizes.

Now everyone is wondering. After all, Tarja Turunen is from Kitee, i.e. North Karelia. After realizing his mistake, Benjamin puts his head in his hands and covers his face in embarrassment. He is so ashamed that he closes his eyes for a long time.

– Not when I’m sorry. I was in Turku in my mind, Benjamin apologizes with a more humble mind.

Then he starts correcting his own words.

– I know that Turku is in Finland Proper, not in Western Finland, Benjamin underlines, even though Turku is both Finland Proper and Western Finland.

Karita Mattila is not Anne, Annel, Anita and Anniina’s sister, even though the last name is the same. Arttu Laitala

Later, Benjamin lists some more Matt’s singing sisters.

Anneli Mattila, Anne MattilaKarita Mattila…

– No! Maria Veitola crouch quickly.

Now it goes wrong again. Karita Mattila does not belong to the same group. Everyone laughs at Benjamin’s prank. However, the man himself chews his fingers.

– Am I going to feel stupid? she asks the others worriedly.

It won’t happen, everyone assures, and the guesswork can continue.

Benjamin worries about the impression he made in Masked Singer. He’s not considered stupid, is he?

Masked Singer Finland today on MTV3 at 19:30 & in Katsomo. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

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