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Repeated calls for resignation… Lee Sang-min “current position is the best”

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The second hearing for the government inquiry into the October 29 disaster was held at the National Assembly.

Public Administration and Security Minister Lee Sang-min, who appeared as a witness, said: “I will do my best in my place” despite repeated calls for his resignation from the opposition party.

This is reporter Yoo Chung-hwan.

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Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min attended the hearing.

When asked if he planned to resign, he dismissed it as no.

[천준호/더불어민주당 의원]

“Responsibility for the investigation and the disaster is concentrated on the people who rescued the scene and on the people below. Is there no room for resignation?”

[이상민/행정안전부 장관]

“However, I will replace it with the words that I will do my best in the position that is currently assigned to me.”

As the manager of the disaster, he acknowledged his responsibility, but did not say how he would take responsibility.

[윤건영/더불어민주당 의원]

“As a minister, answer me. Has the state been responsible for the safety of its people?”

[이상민/행정안전부 장관]

“I admit my flaws.”

[윤건영/더불어민주당 의원]

“How will you fulfill your responsibility? How will you fulfill your responsibility in front of the people?”

[이상민/행정안전부 장관]

“I told you there are many ways to fulfill your responsibilities.”

The word “accident”, not disaster, has appeared again.

[이상민/행정안전부 장관]

“Regarding the Itaewon ‘incident’ on October 29, on behalf of the government to the grieving families who have lost loved ones…”

[진선미/더불어민주당 의원]

“The Itaewon incident, as he talked about it, there were parts who kept worrying that there was an intention to belittle the significance of this incident.”

The ruling party has defended the pressure to resign as a political offensive.

[이만희/국민의힘 의원]

“They threaten you with perjury. They overly coerce your resignation, and for whom and for what purpose are you holding the hearing?”

The grieving family erupted in resentment at the ongoing battle.

“My son died walking… and died walking home…”

A protest against this minister ensued.

[이종철/유가족협의회 대표]

“Minister Lee Sang-min. Why, why did it never come to our children… who ordered it?”

There has also been renewed controversy over Minister Lee Sang-min’s latest statement, which stated that there was no list of bereaved families.

In response to criticism from the opposition party for evident perjury, Minister Lee explained that he was unaware of the situation.

This is Yoo Chung-hwan from MBC News.

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