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Reopening of schools: New York mayor disowned by powerful union

Will the face-to-face start of New York public schools scheduled for this week be postponed again? The main union of establishment managers demanded Sunday that New York City Hall be relieved of its authority over establishments, deeming it unable to manage their reopening during the pandemic.

• Read also: 1,000 daily cases of COVID-19 in New York state, a first since June

The CSA union, which claims to represent some 6,400 officials of the 1,800 New York public schools, called on Sunday that the management of schools, which traditionally falls to city halls in the United States, be transferred to education services in New York State. York, the time of the health crisis.

“School officials no longer trust the mayor (Bill) de Blasio and (his educational manager Richard) Carranza to support them in their immense efforts” to reopen the establishments, declared the president of the CSA, Mark Cannizzaro, in a statement. communicated. “We just think the city and its education services need the help of New York State Education.”

Alone among the mayors of major American cities, the Democratic mayor of New York has pledged this summer that New York public schools will reopen their doors to families who do not want 100% online education, in order to ” provide between one and three days of face-to-face teaching per week.

Teaching deemed essential for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, often left to their own devices when faced with online courses.

But to believe the CSA, MM. de Blasio and Carranza, who are also negotiating with a powerful teachers’ union, were unable to provide enough teachers to simultaneously provide online and face-to-face teaching.

If Mr. de Blasio recently promised the hiring of some 4,500 additional teachers, there would still be 1,200 missing for the reopening of elementary schools expected on Tuesday, and even more for the reopening of colleges and high schools, scheduled for October 1, according to the union.

It is not yet known whether the establishments will reopen anyway: neither the mayor nor the education services of the State of New York immediately reacted to this statement.

Despite a contamination rate now contained at 1% in the American financial capital, the return to school has already been postponed twice.

And the families of some 1.1 million public school students are more and more likely to have given up on sending their children physically to school this fall, falling back on 100% online education, which has started. mid-September.

Only nursery schools currently offer partially face-to-face education to families.

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