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reopening decision will be “the most important in my life,” says Trump

Donald Trump said on Friday that his decision on when to reopen the US economy after coronavirus isolation would be “the most important” of his life.

I’m going to have to make a decision and I hope it will be the right decision“he said in his daily press briefing on the crisis.”It was by far the biggest decision of my life“, he added, referring to the recommendations of the federal government on a possible relaxation of social distancing measures.

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Acknowledging that setting a date too close could have disastrous consequences, he also insisted on the danger that he believed could run a date too late.

Staying at home also leads to death (…) A different form of death perhaps“, did he declare.

A gradual deconfinement

Researcher Anthony Fauci, central member of the crisis unit who advises Donald Trump on the epidemic, has repeatedly stressed that the “deconfinement“would not happen suddenly but would be gradual and different depending on the region.

Situation improved this week in hospitals in New York and other US regions, a sign that the Covid-19 pandemic may be approaching a turning point in the United States.

The most cited model (IHME), which takes into account the way the epidemic has evolved in China and Europe, has in recent days revised down several times the estimated balance sheet of the first wave in the United States: 93,000 to 82,000, then 60,000 deaths.

The total number of deaths recorded in the United States crossed Friday afternoon the milestone of 18,000.


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