Home » today » News » Renzi’s account statement published by Fatto, DDR-style blitz of Travaglio and co .: “Violated the Constitution”

Renzi’s account statement published by Fatto, DDR-style blitz of Travaglio and co .: “Violated the Constitution”

The title: “Here’s who pays Renzi: Arabia, Benetton & C.”. It is a blitz that de Daily fact against Matteo Renzi, senator, former Prime Minister, former secretary of the Democratic Party and founder and leader of Italia Viva. The newspaper of the editor Marco Travaglio published the private account statement of the honorable: an unprecedented or almost unprecedented attack in journalism. Journalism? Gossip? Sara.

A focus on Renzi’s personal financial situation: no information on possible investigations. The document would have jumped out of a prosecutor’s office. Other than the presumption of innocence. Goodbye privacy. Renzi’s accounts lined up and in the table: 2.6 million euros in two years. Two full pages: signed by Valeria Pacelli. Among the items the “main Korean newspaper”, the Saudi Ministry of Finance, the Saudi Tourism Commission, publishing houses, Stanford University in Italy and the rock singer Piero Pelù who had defined him as “Licio Gelli’s boy scout” (20 thousand euros for the civil litigation). A blitz from the GDR, other than wiretapping e The lives of others.

“There is – attacks the piece – a UK consultancy firm and also a Korean newspaper. And again: two Italian companies, one of which was founded by Alessandro Benetton and even the Ministry of Finance of Saudi Arabia. Here is who pays Matteo Renzi’s speeches. In total, from 2018 to 2020, the senator today leader of Italia Viva, earned (not only with speeches) over 2.6 million euros in total. The details of the (legitimate) receipts of the former premier, both for conferences but also for other things, for example for books, have ended up in the investigation of the Florence Public Prosecutor’s Office. Here Renzi is accused of contributing to illicit financing together with former ministers Luca Lotti and Maria Elena Boschi. At the center of the investigation are the voluntary contributions that ended up in the coffers of the Open, which the magistrates believe to have been a political-organizational articulation of the Renzian current of the Democratic Party. There are thousands of documents filed by the prosecutors. Among these there is also a statement of 10 June 2020 from the Guardia di Finanza which also contains the statements of the current account in the name of Renzi. The proceeds of the former prime minister are not being investigated: it is not for this reason that Renzi has ended up under investigation ”. Et voilà: the scoop.

The reactions

And off to two pages of summary and explaining it on Matteo Renzi’s account statement. Certainly exciting if it weren’t alarming. The method, we said, without precedent raises the controversy but above all the worry, indeed the fear, the pure terror: many politicians are indignant, perhaps even frightened by a raid that could affect anyone tomorrow, and therefore also them. Everyone agrees: it’s disturbing.

“The prosecutor’s office – the Action MP wrote on Twitter Enrico Costa – acquires Renzi’s private bank statement, which magically ends up published, item by item, in the Done. An investigation document used for journalistic gossip. Unfortunately – he added – the penalties for this violation are ridiculous and everyone doesn’t care ”. The founder of Fratelli d’Italia Guido Crosetto: “On Il Fatto you will find @matteorenzi’s private account statement published illegally from the investigative documents of the Prosecutor’s Office. Maybe his credit card or his wife’s. Then, why not, the list of websites visited. And the photos in the bathroom ”. Others, many others, intervene with the same tone.

Renzi’s reply

Matteo Renzi responded in the evening to the attention, which at this point we could define morbid, de The fact with a post on his social networks. “They put my bank account online, violating the Constitution and Laws. They chose a political opponent as a witness for the criminal prosecution. They picked up communications and wiretapping with a method that was even contested by the Supreme Court.

For years they have spent hundreds of thousands of euros and employ dozens of financiers for a manhunt theorized by the current of the judges of the Democratic Judiciary as the close of a ‘health cordon around Senator Renzi.’ What is happening should outrage public opinion, the media, political opponents. Not my friends. Because my friends know that events like these do not scare me but rather give me the energy to relaunch.

A long civil and criminal battle awaits me to obtain the compensation I deserve. I will do it with tenacity and method, step by step, without anger. I have nothing to fear and indeed the uncivilized publication of these documents only confirms my transparency and correctness. But in politics I hope that someone will reflect on the fact that what is happening to me is a repeated violation of the law that hurts the institutions. My sincere thanks go to those who are showing me affection in these hours. I love you and look forward to seeing you at Leopolda with the smile of someone who is not tired of fighting.

Have a nice weekend”.

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