Home » today » News » Renzi: “If Conte falls, a new government takes place, no ballot boxes”. Boccia warns him: “If he is Penelope, we are not the Proci”

Renzi: “If Conte falls, a new government takes place, no ballot boxes”. Boccia warns him: “If he is Penelope, we are not the Proci”

New day of tension in the government with the war going on between the premier Giuseppe Conte is Matteo Renzi. The leader of Italia Viva risks still shaking the political picture with harsh statements against Palazzo Chigi: “If Conte falls, a new government is made, we will not go to the elections”, he says in his enews. Words that seem to confirm the hypothesis advanced by many in these hours, namely that the former Prime Minister is trying in every way to bring down Count to replace him with another premier. And again: “The numbers for the Count ter – says Renzi – are not there. For days, many of our senators have been approached by invitations to leave Italia Viva. I don’t believe it, also because I know the senators of Iv and I don’t see ten ready to leave (for now I don’t even see one) “. And he challenges: “We can renounce the assignments also tomorrow morning”.

Then Renzi defends himself on the controversy over the trip to Pakistan: “A politician worthy of the name also has international relations. If it doesn’t happen to others, I don’t know what to do about it”.

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Matteo Renzi with Princess Beatrice of York, the former Spanish Prime Minister Aznar and the current Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan

But the Florentine senator is also in Pakistan for skiing and on this he says: “Can I spend two days on skis or do I have to ask permission from the Antirenzism Court?”.

Toni battaglieri, in short, from Renzi even if today at the first working table convened at Palazzo Chigi as part of the 2023 Agenda to take stock of University, research, School and digital innovation, Renzi’s party is present with a delegation composed of senator Gelsomina Vono and the deputy Gabriele Toccafondi. In short, the desertion of last Thursday was not repeated, when the ministers of Italia Viva did not present themselves to the Council of Ministers on justice. But there have been divisions on the Good school (the Renzian reform).

The third most awaited table of the day is now underway: the one on the modification of security decrees. And in this case, for Italia Viva, there are Gennaro Migliore is Laura Garavini.


The Renzian Minister of Agriculture responds to the hypothesis of a replacement of Renzi and his party in the majority Teresa Bellanova, who leads the IV delegation in the government: “If they think it is better to do without those who raise critical issues reasonably and ask for a stronger commitment, then they can do without us”. And he adds: “This is a government where the Democratic Party has been very flattened on the positions of the M5S: the Democratic Party is delivering itself to a populism that I frankly do not think will do good for this country”.

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“Is there an attempt to replace us with some ‘managers’? Let’s go, we don’t send our brains to storage with the Bonafede on duty, which is in all respects qualifying as the Toninelli of Count 2”, he says Agorà the president of the senators of Italia Viva Davide Pharaoh.

On the Pd front, the minister of the South Giuseppe Provenzano, the microphones of RTL 102.5 invites Renzi to ask for clarity above all to himself: “The government serves the Italians and this must interrogate every political force including Renzi who must verify it, clarity, ask it for itself”.

The Secretary Nicola Zingaretti does not confirm or deny the patrol of “managers”. He merely comments, on the sidelines of an initiative in Rome: “President Conte is rightly working on the government verification of the contents, how to finally remove those propaganda decrees that certainly did not serve security”.

“I have never considered Matteo Renzi an opponent, I have always told him what I think unlike those who caress him in public and criticize him in private. We must understand if we get along” recalls the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia to Circus Maximus, on Radio Capital. Boccia bets on the duration of the government but does not avoid criticizing the ex Prime Minister’s latest moves by comparing him to the Homeric Penelope: “Sometimes I really have the impression that things done in the morning are undone in the evening. But one thing I am sure of: We are not the proci “.

Always a Circus Maximus for the opposition the League senator Gian Marco Centinaio defines Renzi “a chihuahua who barks at Dobermanns for visibility. And when I say Dobermanns I am not talking about Conte but about the Democratic Party”. The former Minister of Agriculture would approve a pact between the two Mattei, Renzi and Salvini: “Welcome, but the important thing is to vote and not make a third government. In the event of a crisis, the hope is that Mattarella will say enough to a third quarrelsome government like the previous two. ” And Matteo Salvini opens: “If someone tells me, Conte falls and there is a need for a passing government for two months because we have to redesign the constituencies tell us”.

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