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Renovation of the Saint-Agrève hospital: “you have to spend the second”

Durieux Closing March 2021

A meeting on Wednesday morning at the Moze hospital in Saint-Agrève made it possible to trace the road which is beginning to (finally) materialize the major renovation project of the nearby hospital structure of the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon.

“It is time to pass the second”, sums up very aptly Olivier Amrane regional adviser delegated to rurality and innovation in the territories. And it is true that this renovation-expansion of the Moze hospital has been playing the Arlésienne for ages.

The keys in the hands of the ARS

The vote by the Region of a subsidy of 2.2 million euros to relieve the investment of 5.6 million necessary for the work of the sanitary building was intended, in the fall, to be a lever to ensure other competition. First and foremost, that of the Regional Health Agency, the big boss of the device.

From the exchanges heard this morning between the regional elected representative mandated by Laurent Wauquiez, the president of the board of directors Yasmina Ali, the treasurer Norbert Exbrayat and David Vercasson, executive assistant, we will retain the following timing.

A provisional schedule

At the end of the month, on March 24, a crucial meeting is scheduled with the ARS in Lyon. The medical project will be examined there. Yasmina Ali says she is “confident”. A confidence which is due to the effective investment of Doctor Amandine Chantre (local child, born at the maternity hospital in Moze, returned to practice in the country) who refined the said project. From there, the ARS will have to confirm its financial commitment for this achievement, which it should be remembered that it also concerns the nursing home (for 9 million euros).

A “cantou” space

The Department is also expected to abound. It is moreover to satisfy a request of the latter, that in the new Moze, a “cantou” sector of 12 beds reserved for disoriented people suffering from pathologies of the Alzheimer type would find its place.

After the presentation of a preliminary draft (APS) envisaged for July, a building permit application may follow, a launch of calls for tenders in the wake. Concretely, the site could start in the fall of 2022.

130 people employed

Moze operates on the basis of 8 beds for medicine, 17 beds for follow-up and rehabilitation care, 80 beds in nursing homes. 130 people work there, representing 90 full-time equivalents. The establishment generates a turnover of 750,000 euros per month. The financial situation is healthy (setting aside the year 2020 when the Covid has shaken everything up but which has seen the ARS and the Department provide their support to keep it afloat, here as in other comparable structures).

55% of subsidies to be mobilized

400,000 euros have already been drawn by the establishment from its cash flow (in study costs in particular) and numerous commitments have been made, with regard to the architect for example. Hence the insistence of treasurer Norbert Exbrayat to invite funders to make their commitments a reality.

In fact, 2021 is the year when funding will have to be mobilized to see the success of this project, estimated overall at 14.6 million euros, by counting on 55% of subsidies collected in all directions and 45% of equity through the use of the loan.

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