WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA – The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) has distributed renovation assistance to 10 Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) which were damaged by the Cianjur earthquake.
The first phase of assistance was handed over in February 2023. Currently, the realization process has entered phase two for 24 Islamic boarding schools.
Previously, Baznas and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. KH. Ma`ruf Amin, has handed over renovation assistance to Al-Bahjah Cianjur Islamic Boarding School, West Java.
The target for the assistance provided by Baznas is for 69 Islamic boarding schools affected by the earthquake, both those which suffered heavy and light damage with a total assistance of IDR 3.5 billion.
Deputy II for Distribution and Utilization of Baznas Dr. HM Imdadun Rahmat, M.Si, explained, according to the data collected in the field, Baznas received 69 recommendations for Islamic boarding schools to be assisted. Out of the 69 Islamic boarding schools, 49 were heavily damaged and 20 were lightly damaged.
“In the distribution process, thank God the first phase has been realized for 10 Islamic boarding schools in February 2023. Phase two will be distributed to 24 Islamic boarding schools with a total aid value of 1.2 billion,” said Imdad in a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday (15/4/ 2023).
Imdad said the second phase of the aid distribution process was expected to be completed next week.
The Baznas team has also re-verified as well as confirmed account numbers and socialized the renovation process to the 24 Islamic boarding schools that will receive this second phase of assistance.
From the assistance provided by Baznas, added Imdad, Islamic boarding schools carried out renovations according to needs, some were used to renovate rooms, kitchens, to toilet facilities.
Imdad emphasized that BAZNAS ensured that the distribution of assistance for the post-earthquake recovery program for this Islamic boarding school was right on target and in accordance with the targets set by applying the “3A” principle: Safe Syar’i, Safe Regulation, Safe NKRI.

“Hopefully the assistance we provide can help accelerate the renovation of the affected Islamic boarding schools so that they can recover soon,” he said.
Imdad also expressed his gratitude to all parties who have entrusted zakat, infaq, alms (ZIS) and donations through Baznas.
“We certainly need synergy from various parties, to channel some of their assets to help the recovery process of our brothers and sisters who were affected by the earthquake in Cianjur,” he concluded.