Home » today » Health » Renovation of Auban-Moët Hospital Center in Épernay: Project Worth €50 Million to be Completed by 2028

Renovation of Auban-Moët Hospital Center in Épernay: Project Worth €50 Million to be Completed by 2028

Mentioned for many years, the renovation of the Auban-Moët hospital center was finally ratified by the visit of the Minister of Health, François Braun, on April 28. A project worth more than €50 million which should be completely completed in 2028.

The real estate project of the Auban-Moët hospital center in Épernay is a sea serpent. We are not the ones who say it, it is its deputy director, Brigitte Franzi: to modernize and it could never be completed. But today there is an alignment of the planets. »
First, there is the financial situation of the hospital, which is much better than before. The deficit, which reached up to €4.8 million in 2015, is now almost eliminated and finances are healthy. “Seven years ago, the hospital was at the bottom of the hole, launches the deputy director. The whole team mobilized to raise the bar. There have been restructuring of services, a reorganization of the supply of care, greater efficiency in the organization. It took a lot of effort that paid off and now we look to the future with our heads held high. Another element that has accelerated the hospital center real estate project, the covid-19 pandemic. “The health crisis has shown, in addition to the dilapidation of the site, that we were at saturation point in terms of the organization of the premises”, explains Brigitte Franzi, who arrived in Épernay two years ago and who has been working on this subject since. “We started from scratch, we reviewed the old project, which was disproportionate and too expensive. »

Healthy finances

Since the release of the first wave of covid, the hospital teams have drawn up their plan, in collaboration with the Regional Health Agency (ARS). This was good, since it was at this time that the State launched the Ségur de la santé and the France Relance plan, promising an investment of 19 billion euros in the health system. In 2021, the Épernay hospital center had been selected as part of the Ségur to restore its financial capacities, with an envelope of €2.9 million at stake. Enough to prepare the major renovation project more serenely.
The one submitted to the ARS consists of the construction of a new medical building, in order to replace the one which offers “deplorable hotel conditions”, according to Brigit Franzi. It will house geriatric medicine, general medicine and general medicine, consultations, emergencies and the technical platform with imaging. Then, all the other buildings will be rehabilitated, except for the maternity ward, inaugurated in 2015, and the Ehpad du Hameau champenois. Welcoming patients will continue throughout the works, which will be scheduled and whose completion is hoped for in 2028. “The objective is to offer better accommodation conditions to patients and restore consistency in the patient journey in order to avoid them having to navigate between the different buildings, as is the case today”, explains the deputy director. The renovation of an aging building will also improve energy efficiency.

One new building, the others renovated

This project was still in the balance, until last Friday. “The ARS was to announce the amount of the subsidy to us soon, but the arrival of the Minister of Health allowed us to gain six months”, rejoices the deputy director of the Épernay hospital. It was a nice surprise, because it’s a substantial amount. Now, it’s up to us to show that our financial capacity allows us to get the loan to finance the rest. By promising a grant of €20 million, François Braun has finally made it possible to materialize this project that “everyone has been waiting for a while”. Patients will not say otherwise.

2023-05-05 10:59:25
#Épernay #hospital #recover

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