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Rennes: the future nurse anesthetists are “at their end” – Rennes

Anger is mounting. At the time of the third emergency mobilization of student nurses anesthetists, representatives of the 2nd year of the Rennes school are sounding the alarm. During the first epidemic wave, many of them spent the nights in the Covid intensive care unit before going on to days of “video” lessons. Six months later, faced with staffing needs, the students were offered the opportunity to spend their practical time in a “Covid resuscitation internship”. “A possibility of having easily and free of labor” deplores Emmanuel Hanley, representative of the 2019-2021 promotion of the Rennes school. The students refuse: their training is postponed for six weeks, which delays obtaining their diplomas by as much. Most of them will work during this period.

“In the event of an error, it is our diploma which is called into question”

“The public authorities consider that we are suitable for ventilation, but this is not always the case. Some colleagues have never set foot in a sheave! And if we make a mistake, our diploma is called into question ”continues Emmanuel Hanley. On a daily basis, a nurse-anesthetist assists the doctor in emergency and intensive care units, in maternity hospitals or in operating theaters. A very specific position which requires a nursing diploma (3 years of study), two years of minimum experience, then a two-year training course, which is entered by competitive examination. During this training, the trainees are not counted in the workforce and their practice time is very supervised.

Feeling of “contempt”

In Rennes, around forty students are divided into the first and second years. “Half are financed by their employers, to whom they then owe several years of contracts, but the rest pay for this training over two years themselves, sometimes with a loan. Some students will have paid 11,000 euros for having worked in sheaves! This Wednesday, the student representatives requested a meeting with their school. A representative of the Rennes University Hospital will be present, but for the time being the Brittany ARS has not responded. “We are stunned by the contempt of bodies such as the ARS, which at no time consulted us to discuss solutions to be considered to allow continuity of care. The ARS has been content to subject us to a disastrous HR policy for years ”. In Brest, the anesthetist nursing students who spoke about their situation to the region were said to have been sent back to the ropes. “The region has oriented them towards meals at 1 euro” blows the representative Rennais, who hopes to open a dialogue when it comes to a third mobilization of students.

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