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René Benko Bankruptcy: Assets Investigation Meeting Scheduled in Innsbruck

Innsbruck (OTS) After the bankruptcy proceedings about René Benko’s assets were opened on March 8, things are getting serious this week: the investigation meeting known as the Innsbruck regional court is scheduled for Wednesday. The creditors who have filed their claims in advance meet the bankruptcy administrator. In the end it is clear how high the total demands from the bankruptcy proceedings against Rene Benko are. The debtor himself or his representative also agrees to these requests.

Liquidator looking for assets

The regional court appointed MMag. Dr. Andreas Grabenweger from the renowned law firm CHG Rechtsanwälte in Innsbruck has been appointed. Dr. Grabenweger is a lawyer and partner at CHG and looks back on 20 years of experience as a bankruptcy administrator. A big job awaits him now, because he has to protect and value the debtor’s property.

The basis for this is the list of assets submitted and signed by the debtor himself. With this list of assets, Benko, as the debtor, states that he will declare all assets and will not hide anything.

But the liquidator is not satisfied with just “processing” this list of assets. He also examines business documents, contracts, bank accounts, etc. and examines possible sources of information at home and abroad to further verify assets and past asset movements. . On the one hand, a lot of sensitivity is needed here, but also a consistent approach.

Classic bankruptcy procedure

Although the debtor has a personal impact in this procedure (and not through the SIGNA companies), it is not a personal bankruptcy, but a business bankruptcy. At the time the bankruptcy was declared, the debtor was running a consulting business as a sole proprietor (without employees).

A “classic” bankruptcy procedure is performed and not a restructuring procedure. So it is not about the continuity of the consulting company, but about the use of René Benko’s assets. The focus is on (partially) satisfying bankruptcy creditors.

Information about the procedure

Insolvency creditors and the interested public are notified via the CHG Rechtsanwälte website (https://chg.at) and the publicly accessible debug file (https://edikte.justiz.gv.at/edikte) informed about the essential course of the procedure and the important decisions of the court.

As the largest commercial law firm in the western part of Austria, the legal team CHG Rechtsanwälte has the staff and the professional knowledge in the various areas of commercial law, especially constitution and law corporation, to carry out such infringing activity.

Questions & Contact:

MMag. Dr. Andreas Grabenweger
CHG Czernich Haidlen Gast & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Bolzano 4th place
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 56 73 73
F +43 512 56 73 73 15
[email protected] chg.at

Media contact:
Gunther Schimatzek
ProMedia Communications GmbH
Brunecker Str. 1
6020 Innsbruck
t: +43 512 214004-19
m: +43 664 88539393
[email protected]

2024-04-23 06:13:40
#meeting #creditors #René #Benkos #bankruptcy #proceedings

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